[사회]2 weeks extension for 2.5 steps in the metropolitan area…Karaoke business allowed, eating in cafes allowed

2 weeks extension of social distancing measures such as the 2.5th phase of the metropolitan area
Private gatherings with more than 5 people and business bans maintained after 9 p.m.
Relaxation of conditional business restrictions such as use of gym and cafe
Distance adjustment proposal will be applied from the 18th


The government has decided to extend social distancing measures for the next two weeks, including the 2.5th phase of the metropolitan area, which ends tomorrow (17th).

However, the gym, karaoke, and academy are conditionally allowed to operate, and some restrictions on the operation of cafes, etc. will be eased.

Reporter Lee Seung-hoon’s report.


Amidst a gentle stabilization, a distancing adjustment plan came out.

As expected, we decided to extend social distancing measures such as the 2.5th stage in the metropolitan area by two weeks.

Private gatherings of 5 or more people, and business bans after 9pm remain.

However, multi-use facilities such as gym, singing practice center, and academy are conditionally allowed to operate.

In addition, the operation of cafes and religious facilities will be eased.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 방역의 고삐를 계속 조여 일상 회복을 앞당겨야 한다는 당위론, 그리고 누적된 사회적 피로와 수많은 자영업자의 고통을 외면할 수 없다는 현실론 사이에서 깊이 고민했습니다.]

First, the number of people in the gym and singing practice area is limited to ‘1 person per 8㎡’.

Operation is only allowed until 9pm.

The cafe also allows drinks and food in the store until 9pm.

However, the separation between partitions and seats must be observed, and owners and users who do not observe this must be fined.

Restrictions on religious activities were also lifted.

Face-to-face activities are allowed within 10% to 20% of the total number of seats for regular worship services.

This distance adjustment plan will take effect on the 18th.

Two weeks later, we will revisit the trend and adjust our distancing steps.

YTN Lee Seung-hoon[[email protected]]is.

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