[사회]1,193 confirmed cases related to the Seoul Dongbu Detention Center…12 additional patients as a result of the 7th total inspection


In the 7th total inspection at the Dongbu Detention Center in Seoul, which was conducted yesterday, 12 people were confirmed.

As a result, the number of infections related to the eastern detention center was 1,193, close to 1,200.

In addition, group infection continues in the metropolitan area in hospitals, workplaces, and religious facilities such as nursing homes.

Let’s connect the reporters who are in the eastern detention center. Reporter Jung Hyun-woo!

Please tell me about the confirmation of the Seoul Eastern Detention Center.


Yesterday, the results of the 7th total inspection at the Dongbu Detention Center in Seoul for 570 prisoners and employees came out.

Twelve additional prisoners who were tested negative at the last 6th test were confirmed.

As a result, the number of confirmed cases related to the Eastern Detention Center increased to 1,193.

Compared to the previous 2nd and 3rd thorough examination, the number of confirmed cases was reduced to 200.

The confirmation rate also decreased.

The confirmation rate for the 7th test is 2%, which is the lowest among all tests conducted so far.

Meanwhile, the number of confirmed cases in correctional facilities nationwide, including the eastern detention center, increased to 1,223.

As confirmations continued in various places, the Ministry of Justice conducted a full inspection of 43 correctional facilities nationwide until yesterday.

It is said that 39,000 prisoners and 12,000 employees were tested negative.

Meanwhile, attention is focused on whether the total inspection will continue at the Eastern Detention Center.

Earlier, the Ministry of Justice said it plans to conduct tests until no one is tested positive for two weeks after all prisoners and staff are tested negative.

In addition, correctional facilities nationwide, including the Eastern Detention Center, will preemptively conduct a corona 19 test once a week for employees.


Group infection cases continue in the metropolitan area, so let’s summarize the related news.


70% of new cases of Corona 19 in Korea are coming from the metropolitan area.

As of 0 o’clock today, the number of confirmed cases in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon per day was counted as 421.

There are cases of group infection in everyday life spaces such as workplaces and religious facilities.

Even in hospitals susceptible to infection, confirmed cases continue to appear.

First of all, the number of confirmed patients related to nursing facility II in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul increased by 6 yesterday, and the cumulative number of patients was up to 46.

At the hospital in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, 10 additional people were confirmed after the first confirmed person came out on the 6th.

Meanwhile, at the taxi company in Gangnam-gu, where the first confirmed person among the workers came out on the 21st of last month, 16 additional people were confirmed, and the cumulative number increased to 17.

The spread of religious facilities is also continuing.

At a religious facility in Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, an additional 37 people, including 29 church members and families, were confirmed, increasing the cumulative infection scale to 160.

Meanwhile, the quarantine authorities said there were several cases reported because some institutes did not comply with the quarantine guidelines.

It was reported that the retraining institute changed to a study cafe and operated it, gathering 60 students to class, and providing meals in the evening.

In addition, there was a case of violating the limit of 9 class members by holding a class together in an existing space.

YTN Jeong Hyun-woo at the Eastern Detention Center in Seoul[[email protected]]is.

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