[사회]100,000 cumulative confirmed cases… doubled in the last 3 months

430 new patients with Corona 19 occurred… 100,276 cumulative confirmed cases
The 3rd pandemic, group infection in everyday life… Spreading’snowball’
After the 3rd pandemic,’asymptomatic spreaders’ surge in local communities


Even today, the number of new corona19 patients recorded 400, and the cumulative confirmed number exceeded 100,000.

It’s been 430 days since the first confirmed case in Korea came out.

The number of confirmed cases has doubled in the last three months, showing how high the wave height of the third pandemic is.

Reporter Park Hong-gu on the report.


The third pandemic, which began in earnest since last November, continued for four months, and 430 new patients were added.

As a result, the cumulative confirmed cases recorded 10,276.

Compared to the previous 1st and 2nd outbreaks that spread mainly to specific groups in Daegu and Seoul, the 3rd pandemic continued to infect people everywhere in daily life and the patients expanded like snowballs.

It took 336 days after the first case to reach 50,000 cumulative confirmed cases, but it took less than 100 days to reach from 50,000 to 100,000.

The rate of increase in confirmed cases has increased by more than three times.

[권준욱 / 중앙방역대책본부 제2부본부장 : 10만 또는 5만 이런 숫자보다는 10만에 이르기까지의 시간 그리고 최근에 짧은 시간 동안 많은 환자 발생이 가파르게 증가했다는 것이 훨씬 더 중요하고….]

The third pandemic has left widespread asymptomatic spreaders in the community.

They are unknowingly infected and spreading the virus to others.

In the last two weeks, 27% of new patients do not know the route of infection, and 20% of all patients in the metropolitan area who are diagnosed as confirmed by the temporary screening laboratory in the metropolitan area.

[이혁민 / 세브란스 진단검사의학과 교수 : 몸이 조금이라도 이상하시면 말씀드렸듯이 코로나19로 특징할 수 있는 증상이 없기 때문에 그런 분들은 가급적 진단검사를 받으시는 게 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 왜냐하면 지금 현재 우리나라는 코로나19의 지역사회 감염이 일부는 진행이 계속되고 있는 상황이거든요.]

As the third pandemic progressed, the transmission chain of infection also changed.

At first, it spread from nursing hospitals and religious facilities to indoor sports facilities and family acquaintances, then moved to workplaces and saunas.

In the past two months, 300 to 400 new patients have been stagnant, while the amount of movement in the spring has increased and the virus has spread, and the risk factors have not decreased at all.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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