[사회][현장영상] Japan wins opponent’s handoffs…”The first ruling of comfort women victims…I am very impressed with the victory”


In a lawsuit filed by the victims of Japanese military comfort women in our court against the Japanese government, the court raised the hands of the grandmothers a while ago.

The Japanese government ruled to compensate the 12 grandmothers who participated as plaintiffs each by 100 million won.

Regarding the outcome of the trial, the grandmother’s litigation representative reveals the complaint and future plans.

Let’s go to the field.

[김강원 / 위안부 피해 할머니 소송대리인]

I’m really impressed. Doesn’t it mean that this is the first judgment on what we have suffered from comfort women in the Japanese military after today?

And often, is it possible to be enforced? There are so many reporters asking, and that is a matter that needs to be examined a little more separately to see if there are any other property that can be enforced, so today’s immediate answer is a bit difficult.


The 13 lawyers decided to ask for the opinions of the grandmothers about the forced execution, but did you have any discussions on the forced execution of the asset sale yet? Didn’t you have any discussions about forced execution? How to get out, in the future.

[김강원 / 변호사]

That’s here, the curator of the House of Sharing Kim Dae-Wol is here. I was sentenced today only because it was legally troubled and related to case law. After the legal briefing, Dae-Wol Kim is here. Ask him once.


The judge today decided that sovereignty exemption cannot be applied. For this part, maybe…

[김강원 / 변호사]

That’s because the Italians are Ferini, the Italian Mussolini regime first defeated, and then the Hitler Nazi regime did not fail, so it was a problem later that the Nazi Germans came to Italy and made all sorts of acts and defeats.

So it was said that the famous Fernie ruling was to be asked by the Italian Supreme Court, but Germany went to the International Court of Justice to be overturned, and later overturned by the Italian Constitutional Court.

So, in that case, I thought it was possible. So today, the judge expressed it in a slightly different way, and in the end, it is the Perini case. It’s the Perini case, and in 2011, there was another judgment about the elderly victims of comfort women in the Japanese military at the Constitutional Court in Korea.

And another thing is that if it was more than the Nazi and Germans’ human rights suppression, it would have been more, but not less, because I thought that it would be the human rights suppression of the victims of the comfort women of the Japanese military. What made this judgment. This is not a fact that I don’t know, but there was a so-called forced conscription case, as many reporters know a while ago during diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan on June 22, 1965.

There is such a problem whether it was solved by the Korea-Japan diplomatic relations, but there are some opinions that it was solved. However, the elderly victims of comfort women in the Japanese military were not even discussed at all at that time.

So, of course, you must be sued for damages. They have to be sentenced and compensated. Another one.


Lawyer, unlike the subject of compulsory conscription, the defendant is the Japanese government, but the Korean government and…

[김강원 / 변호사]

The defendant here is from Japan. Not the Japanese government.

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