[사회][팩트와이] Jaeyong Lee, a unique case in Korea?


It has been said that it is a unique case of South Korea for the fact that Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong was sentenced to two years and six months in prison and re-jailed.

There were also criticisms that the laws of Korea are strict against business executives compared to international standards.

Reporter Kang Jung-gyu confirmed whether it is true.


Lee Jae-yong, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, was sentenced to two years and six months in prison at the court for repatriation of the destruction of Gukjeong Nongdan.

The next day, articles poured out about Korean managers taking excessive criminal responsibility.

The source was the New Year press conference of the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea.

[제임스 김 / 주한미국상공회의소 회장 : 이번 판결은 한국에서 경영자들이 겪고 있는 개인적 책임과 위험 부담이 국제 기준에 비해 꽤 독특하다는 것을 보여주고 있습니다.]

▲ Only Korea jailed in jaebeol count?

In December 2014, there was a ruling in Hong Kong as well.

It was the case that the second person in the Hong Kong autonomous government collected a large amount of money in the process of bidding for a reclamation site.

Hong Kong’s largest real estate conglomerate for bribe, sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of 70 million won.

[박완기 / 홍콩 법정 변호사 : 홍콩 염정공서(ICAC)라고 한국 공수처의 모델이 된 기관입니다. 그 기관이 선홍카이 그룹의 공동회장이었던 토머스 쿽과 레이먼드 쿽 형제를 기소했는데, 결국 재판에서 5년 징역형이 선고 됐고요.]

Former WorldCom CEO Bernard Evers who died last year,

I was in a 25-year prison sentence after a $11 billion accounting fraud.

Jeffrey Skilling, the head of energy conglomerate Enron, who inflated his performance with fraudulent accounting and went bankrupt, was also sentenced to 24 years and 3 months in prison.

Trump’s pardon just before his retirement included a businessman who was sentenced to a whopping 835 years in prison for fraud.

▲ Only Korea is strictly punished?

Vice-Chairman Lee Jae-yong’s bribe amount confirmed in the final decision was 8.68 billion won.

In our four-stage, bribery sentencing criteria, over 100 million won are treated the same.

In contrast, the US sentencing criteria are broken down into 43 crime classes.

Civilian bribery charges start at level 12 and increase depending on the amount and whether or not to commit another crime.

Like Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, if a bribe exceeded $7.8 million, the sentence would be 97 to 121 months.

[박용철 / 서강대학교 법학전문대학원 교수 : 우리 법원이 인정한 뇌물 액수를 다 인정한다면, 30(등급)이고, D구역이잖아요. 집행유예가 안 된다는 것 자체는 맞는 것 같은데…]

In the United States, it is interpreted that at least eight years in prison and probation is impossible.

YTN Kang Jeong-gyu[[email protected]]is.

Researcher: Mihwa Kim
Intern reporter: Lee Soo-hyun

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
