[사회][중점] “Coin jackpot” suspicious investment briefing…similar to illegal multi-level


YTN has prepared a third series of digging into the problems of the cryptocurrency market.

First of all, today, we travel across the country to hold briefing sessions and accuse a company that attracts investors in a manner similar to illegal multi-level.

They say that investing in unlisted coins can make a big hit, and they’re using a tempting trick that guarantees bigger profits when recruiting members.

Reporter Kim Woo-joon covered it.


An office in Gangnam, Seoul.

Virtual currency investment briefing sessions are in full swing for 30 middle-aged and elderly people.

Instructors are employees of multi-level companies.

“It’s a 40 won coin now, but if it’s listed on an exchange, it can hit a jackpot,” he is dazzled.

[‘A 코인’ 투자설명회 강연자 : 석 달 만에 7천4백만 원 정도의 소득을 올린 일이라면, 관심을 가지라는 겁니다.]

Briefing sessions have been held all over the country since last February.

YTN reporters heard it in person.

Prior to the start of the lecture, the host says that everything in the business is not legal, and recording and filming are prohibited.

[‘A 코인’ 투자설명회 진행자 : 이것이 네트워크이니까, 아시죠? 다들 이것이 완전 순결 무결한 합법은 아니잖아요. 녹음이나 그렇게 하시면 안 되는 부분이 있어요. 아무래도.]

The lecture started in earnest.

The cryptocurrency, which is the target of investment, claims to have already partnered with large companies for payment methods.

[‘A 코인’ 투자설명회 진행자 : ○○, □□□, △△△, ◇◇와 다 제휴를 완료했다고 회사에서 이야기하고 있고.]

With banks, we profess a high rate of return, saying that we are conducting business related to’virtual currency’.

[‘A 코인’ 투자설명회 진행자 : 5대 은행 중에서 4대 은행을 확보하고 있다. 너무너무 중요한 내용이니까. 저희는 돈을 많이 벌 수가 있습니다.]

At the end of the lecture, which lasted for nearly an hour, the host raises the term’networking service’.

They raise their voices that if they join acquaintances and secure only a certain level of members, high profits of 10 million won per month can be achieved.

I am confident that I already have 50,000 members and that the principal is guaranteed unconditionally.

[‘A 코인’ 투자설명회 진행자 : 워런 버핏의 첫 번째 투자 원칙이 절대 돈을 잃지 마라. 저희는 계획 속에서 원금을 찾아드려요. 직급이 있는데, 어느 정도 볼륨을 하시면, ‘쓰리 스타’를 하시고….]

A situation in which’illegal multilevel’ is suspected.

However, the attendees do not hesitate to pay millions of won each and make a contract to purchase coins.

[‘A 코인’ 투자설명회 참석자 : 내려갔을 때 사고, 올라갔을 때 파니까 금방 얼마씩 벌고 그런다고 하더라고.]

How far is the briefing session true?

As a result of checking with all of the large companies discussed by the host, none of them have partnered with A Coin.

[○○○기업 관계자 : 다 확인했는데, 저희는 제휴나 계약한 거 없다고.]

[□□기업 관계자 : 제휴를 담당하는 두 부서에 확인을 해봤고요. 전혀 들어본 적도 없는 회사라 하십니다.]

The asset certification organization that supported the A coin business also strongly denied the involvement.

[자산인증단체 대표이사 : 홀딩스컴퍼니 같은 거 전혀 아니거든요. 지분 관계, 투자 관계 이런 것들이 없으니까. ○○토큰이라는 존재도 저는 몰랐어요.]

As a result of YTN’s coverage, Mr. Park, the company’s representative, was charged with fraud and illegal multi-level charges in January of last year, and is currently being tried.

[구태언 / 변호사 : 방문판매법 위반, 그다음에 사기죄는 기본 만약에 원금 보장을 했다면 유사수신 위반 3종 세트로 다 처벌을 해 왔어요.]

Amid the cryptocurrency craze, suspicious multi-level coin sales are on the rise, and investors are concerned about damage to investors without expertise.

YTN Kim Woo-jun[[email protected]]is.

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