[사회][제보는Y] Death of ’16-year-old special high school’ in blind spot… “delivered without parents knowing”


The tip is Y.

A high school student who was working part-time for delivery on a motorcycle died in a car accident.

The delivery agency did not write an employment contract with the student and did not receive parental consent.

Still, it is said that the company cannot be held accountable.

What is the reason, reporter Hong Min-ki reported.


At around 8:30 pm on January 18th, a road in Bucheon City.

You can see a motorcycle running next to the city bus.

After 10 minutes, paramedics pick up the motorcyclist on a stretcher.

The big accident was 16-year-old A, who was working part-time for delivery.

This is where the accident happened.

The accident motorcycle struck a truck that had been illegally parked here while trying to get out of the bus changing lanes.

Army A, who fell into a brain-dead condition, eventually passed away 19 days after the accident.

However, Army A’s father knew that his son had a part-time delivery job on the day of the funeral.

[A 군 아버지 : 장례 끝나고 하나하나 짚어 봤습니다. 사건 장소부터 시작해서…. 그랬더니 이런 상황인 거예요.]

When minors work part-time, they must have parental or guardian consent in accordance with the Labor Standards Act, but the father of Army A has never agreed with them.

He claimed to have heard testimony that his son suffered from excessive work.

[A 군 아버지 : 알았다면 다리를 부러뜨려서라도 절대 못 하게 했겠죠.  근로 시간 명시도 안 돼 있어요. 그런데 무언의 압력으로 오후 4시부터 새벽 4시까지….]

The delivery agency admitted that it did not receive parental consent.

It has also been confirmed that there are not a few labor contracts.

However, he refuted that he did not force him to work.

[배달 대행업체 업주 : 전에 일하던 곳에서 부모님 동의서와 가족관계증명서, 또 부모님하고 연락해서 이미 수리가 돼 있던 서류들을 가지고 와서 (A 군이) 좀 부탁을 했죠. 그 부분에 대해서는 제가 실수한 게 맞죠.]

The police and the Labor Administration investigated after the accident.

The conclusion was that it was difficult to hold the company legally responsible.

The so-called special and specially employed workers who run the delivery business are not subject to the Labor Standards Act, and are not subject to punishment for not writing a labor contract or not receiving parental consent.

[고용노동부 부천지청 관계자 : 근로기준법상 말하는 근로자에 해당이 안 되거든요. 근로기준법이라든지 산업안전보건법 등을 적용하기 힘든 측면이 좀 있어요.]

With the rapid growth of the delivery industry, the number of teenagers entering work has increased significantly, and many are exposed to risks, but the reality is that the loopholes of the special notice system remain the same.

There is growing criticism that the blind spots of the law should be eliminated as soon as possible.

[남현영 / 노무사 : 기본적으로 ‘특고’에 대한 차별 조항이 철폐돼야죠. 특수 고용 자체가 없어져야 하는 것 아닌가요? 계속 근로기준법에서 배제하려고 법적인 테두리를 좁히는 거잖아요. 명백한 차별이거든요.]

After losing his only son in vain, the father grabs his heart and appeals.

[A 군 아버지 : 방치가 돼 있다는 거죠, 부모님 몰래 하는 업체들이 많고, 동의도 안 거치고…. 도저히 이렇게 방치하면 안 됩니다.]

YTN Hong Min-ki[[email protected]]is.

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