[사회][제보는Y] ‘Bad’ daycare education completion certificate…issued by insurance


Daycare centers must receive compulsory legal education such as child abuse prevention every year.

However, as a result of YTN’s coverage, it was revealed that a ghost organization issued a fake certificate as a condition for insurance or savings.

[제보는Y]First of all, this is reporter Shin Joon-myeong.


This is a certificate that proves that you have completed compulsory legal education at a daycare center in Changwon, Gyeongnam.

There are more than 10 items including child abuse and infectious disease prevention education.

With this, I passed the regular checkups of the local government, which must be received every year, and all were fake.

[A 어린이집 원장 : 저희가 기본적으로 꼭 받아야 하는 교육이 열 몇 가지가 있거든요. 수료증만 보고 이 기관이 어떤 기관인지 전혀 의심을 안 하고 보는 거죠.]

The issuing agency is the parent education support center.

The center contacted the day care center director and approached, “If you buy insurance, I will give you a certificate of completion.”

After that, an insurance salesperson came to me and gave CPR training for about 10 minutes and handed me the certificate of completion.

It means to make the necessary certificate on your own.

[A 어린이집 원장 : (수료증을) 파일로 주면 저희가 다 그냥 고칩니다. 교육 명을 A, B, C, D 다 고칠 수 있거든요, 너무 어이가 없죠.]

I checked what issuing agency is.

It does not come up when I search, nor can I find the phone number.

[114 : 안 나와 있습니다. (전국 어느 곳에도 없어요?) 예, 안 나와 있습니다.]

When I asked the agency of the insurance company, the answer that it was the first time I heard it came back.

He said that the salesperson seemed to have given him a certificate of completion as a means of signing up for insurance, and asked if it would be a problem.

[보험 대리점 관계자 : 이게 크게 문제가 되나요? 제가 전달할게요. 이런 식으로 영업하면 앞으로 문제가 될 수 있다, 되도록 자제해달라….]

A director of a disabled children’s facility also said that it wasn’t a day or two when he received calls from salespeople who would give them a certificate of completion when they signed up for insurance.

It means that a crappy certificate is not just a problem for one daycare center.

[한미영 / 마음산책아동발달센터장 : 무슨 교육원, 이렇게 해서 광고성 전화가 굉장히 많이 와요. 예전에는 보험이 많았고요. 요즘에는 그런 것들을 많이 하죠. 상조….]

Child abuse prevention and compulsory education for reporters are legal education that daycare teachers must complete to prevent abuse cases.

The responsibility for oversight lies with the municipality and the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

This is YTN Shin Jun-myeong.

※’Your report becomes news’ YTN is waiting for your valuable report.
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