[사회][앵커리포트] Reduced Coupangitsu delivery fees…’contrast’ of platform labor

“We propose to close the Coupangitz group on March 2nd”

This is an article posted on an online cafe where many delivery drivers have signed up.

This is a movement of backlash against the reduction of the Coupangitz delivery fee by 600 won from 3,100 won from today.

Delivery drivers claim that it is a one-sided tyranny, saying that they cannot receive even the minimum wage due to the Coupangitz system, where they cannot deliver more than two at a time.

On the other hand, Coupang Itz countered that it was to reduce the avoidance of long-distance delivery.

Instead of reducing the basic fee, it is more flexible to pay premiums depending on the situation.

[김세민 / 쿠팡 홍보팀장 : 쿠팡이츠는 기존 배달 파트너의 원거리 배달 기피 현상을 해결하고자 배달 거리에 따른 실질적인 시간과 노력에 비례하는 보상체계를 마련했습니다.]

What about in practice.

Coupangitsu’s delivery fee is not known exactly from the standpoint of the delivery driver.

This is because standards based on distance, delivery area, time, and weather are applied at that time.

Let’s take a look at the most recently announced street proportion system in November last year.

The distance from the delivery driver’s place to the store and a certain distance from the store to the place you ordered were set as the basic fee section, and each additional 100m increases the delivery fee by 100 won.

It won’t be the same right now, but you can refer to it.

The problem is that this is a straight line distance standard.

Although it is less than 1km in a straight line, there are many cases where it exceeds 2~3km in the actual travel process.

Sometimes you have to cross a river or a railroad in the middle.

The low fee per transaction is an inseparable part of safety.

There is also the risk of moving in a hurry to deliver a lot, and getting ready to catch the next delivery, even during the delivery.

The delivery driver’s safety awareness is also necessary, but even if it is delivered safely at the same time, it is also urgent to prepare a system that can receive more than the minimum wage.

[구교현 / 라이더유니온 기획팀장 : 2,500원짜리 배달을 3개 한다고 하면 7,500원인 건데요. 이건 최저임금보다도 안 되는 금액이고 바이크 유지관리비, 보험료도 개인이 부담해야 하는 상황인데 라이더들은 더 빨리 더 많이 배달해야 생계가 가능할 것이고, 라이더에게 위험을 초래하는 것뿐 아니라 도로 위의 다른 시민들의 위험까지 초래하는 상황이 될 것으로 우려됩니다.]

With the spread of non-face-to-face culture, it has become a daily routine for labor to be traded through applications or SNS.

There is no need to worry about internal relationships, and it is attractive to work at the time possible.

However, there is also a darkness where various policy changes have become too business-oriented, and are not protected by the four major insurance, allowances, and severance pay.

With this reorganization, there will be no change in delivery costs paid by consumers.

In the midst of this, the delivery driver’s union urged them to engage in collective bargaining.

Park Gwang-Ryeol [[email protected]]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
