[사회][단독] I instructed “Gather the scenes of protozoan groups”… only amplifying the suspicion of abuse


In October last year, a day care center director told a suspicion that he abused a 4-year-old child.

Before the trial, it turned out that he instructed his teacher to find the CCTV footage the child was using to secure evidence in his favor.

However, more suspicions of abuse arose.

Reporter Da-yeon Kim reports exclusively.


In September of last year, Ms. A, who was 4 at the time, returned from the daycare center with blood on her lips.

The director said he wasn’t listening, and the director was struck by excitement. As a result of CCTV checks, other teachers were also throwing children on the floor.

The two were handed over to family court, and Ms. A received psychological treatment.

[한지은(가명) / A 양 부모 : 트라우마도 있고 급성 스트레스도 있고…. 물건을 가지고 노는 놀이치료에서도 아이가 물건을 떨어뜨렸는데 선생님 눈치를 보면서 “선생님도 저 때릴 거예요?”라는 얘기를 많이 했다고 하더라고요.]

However, the CCTV that parents secured additionally contained the abuse of the same teacher about a month ago.

During the nap time, when the child does not sleep and class with a friend sitting next to him, he grips his arm tightly and puts his hand on his head.

They also snatch toys to play with.

It is known that this video was intended to be presented as evidence to emphasize that the director was disciplinary, not abuse, at trial.

Teachers testify that they instructed them to collect and edit the scenes of the child’s trouble.

[어린이집 관계자 : 원장님께서 A 양 문제행동에 대해서 법정으로 갔을 때 증거자료로 필요하다고 하셔서…. 일일 보고서에 보고된 것을 바탕으로 CCTV를 내려받으라고 지시하셨어요.]

I contacted the daycare center and the director to confirm the facts, but I could not hear the position.

[어린이집 관계자 : 원장님은 연차라서 안 오셨어요. 다른 선생님들은 다 출근하셨죠, 죄송해요. 아이들이 있어서요, 죄송합니다.]

Before the trial, the parents found out that there was additional abuse, and the parents were angry.

It was possible to know after a month’s worth of CCTV surveillance, but the initial investigation by the police was inadequate.

[한지은(가명) / A 양 부모 : 이거는 분명히 상습적인 일이고 한 번이 아니었고 분명 한 번이었어도 안 될 일인데 여러 번 있었고 같은 선생님에게 아이는 계속 그런 대우를 받아왔기 때문에….]

The parents of the victims are planning to sue the police against teachers based on the new abuse situation.

YTN Dayeon Kim[[email protected]]is.

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