[사회][단독] Food and Drug Administration employee-pharmaceutical company suspicion of’discussion to conceal illegal manufacturing’


YTN has obtained a document questioning the relationship between the KFDA and pharmaceutical companies.

The minutes written by a company that made a counterfeit drug illegally contain discussions on how to cover up with a local Food and Drug Administration official.

The meeting point was six days before the regular audit of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

This is the exclusive report by reporter Kim Woo-jun.


‘Non-preservation constraints’ accused of illegally manufacturing counterfeit drugs.

The company claimed that they first voluntarily reported to the Gyeongin Food and Drug Administration.

[‘비보존’ 관계자 : 저희가 8일이요. 경기인천청 과장님께 전화해서 저희가 이러한 사안이 있어서 자진 회수를 진행하려고 합니다….]

However, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which conducted an audit for three days from the next day, did not know that it was illegally manufactured.

[식약처 관계자 : 저희가 내부적으로 확인을 해봐야 할 것 같은데 저도 지금 처음 들어서 이것을….]

Why didn’t you know?

This is the company’s minutes obtained by YTN.

The weird thing is that the Food and Drug Administration is in the name of the meeting.

The name of Director A of the Gyeongin Food and Drug Administration was also included in the list of attendees.

The content contains measures to hide the fact of illegal manufacturing or to minimize penalties.

First, it was decided to submit a plan to recover the diabetes drug in question to the Food and Drug Administration late on Friday.

It is to be put out in the afternoon ahead of the weekend, and the explanation is attached to prevent the possibility of investigation on the day.

In addition, guidelines were issued to reduce the explanation of the situation in case the National Assembly makes a problem.

The meeting was held on the 3rd, six days before the regular audit of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

Looking at document #4, I won’t mention it to the person in charge of the audit, so the advice to do good internal inspection is also noticeable.

It is presumed to be a comment from an employee of the Kyungin Food and Drug Administration.

It even feels as if this employee and the company had an operational meeting ahead of regular audits.

[이동근 / 건강사회를위한약사회 사무국장 : 충격적이기도 하고, 사실 이게 ‘비보존’만의 특혜가 절대 아닐 거로 생각하거든요. 그런 관행이 얼마나 지금 이뤄지고 있는지를 이번 기회에 밝혀봐야 할 것 같습니다.]

In response, Mr. A, an employee of the regional office, pretended that he had contacted the company, but he did not remember the specific matter well.

[경인지방식약청 직원 A 씨 : 그런 경우에는 자진 회수하고 그렇게 해야 하지 않겠느냐고 이야기했겠죠. 저도 내용이 정확히 기억이 안 나요.]

The company replied that it would be’no comment’, saying it was a difficult situation.

[‘비보존’ 관계자 : 회의록에 대해서는 ‘노 코멘트’를 하고 싶으시다네요.]

He explained that the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which oversees six regional food and drug administrations nationwide, said it was impossible to do so, and that it has begun its own investigation to determine the details of the incident.

YTN Kim Woo-jun[[email protected]]is.

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