[사회][단독] ‘Binex Incident’ crushes…Pharmaceutical society “Announced disaster in the drug market”


The’Binex Incident’, which manipulated the capacity of pharmaceutical ingredients, is growing rapidly.

After the YTN report, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which initiated the investigation, took measures to suspend sales of 32 additional items following Binex’s six products.

The Korean Pharmaceutical Association urged measures to prevent recurrence, saying it was a predicted disaster in the illegal drug market.

Reporter Kim Woo-jun’s report.


The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which launched a intensive investigation into’Vinex’ immediately after YTN was reported.

Following the suspension of production of six products, including antidiabetic drugs and antidepressants, additional sanctions were ordered on 32 items.

All of them are 24 pharmaceutical companies entrusted to Binex to manufacture them.

[식약처 관계자 : 자료는 다 폐기한 것들이 많아서, 조사해보니까 이런저런 정황들이 있고 그래서….]

While the illegal manufacturing ripple of’Binex’ spread throughout the pharmaceutical industry, the Korean Pharmacopoeia also took place.

The pharmacist society pointed out that the illegal manufacturing that is prevalent in the so-called’generic market’, a generic drug that has emerged from this crisis, should be eradicated.

Earlier, Binex claimed to YTN reporters that the random manipulation of raw materials is no different from the industry’s unwritten rules.

The pharmacist society pointed out that the essence of this problem is the’unlimited consignment production system’ implemented by pharmaceutical companies to conserve production facilities.

According to the current law, if Company A passes the’animal test’, many companies can only entrust the production to Company A and then sell the same drugs by changing the packaging.

Because they didn’t manufacture them themselves, they neglect quality control, and if one product becomes a problem like this one, dozens of products are inevitably recovered.

[이광민 / 대한약사회 정책기획실장 : 해당 제약사를 처벌하는 수준으로 미봉책으로 끝날 게 아니라, 전반적으로 제약에서 위탁 생동 공동개발 품목 허가제도를 살펴보고, 재설계하는 수준으로 근본적인 문제 해결에 나서야 할 것으로 생각합니다.]

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said that it is seriously looking at the issue of’Vinex’, and it is a policy that criminal penalties for violations of laws and regulations will be immortalized on the principle of zero tolerance.

In addition, he added that as the structural problems of the generic drug market have been revealed, it will prepare and promote system improvement tasks to prevent recurrence.

YTN Kim Woo-jun[[email protected]]is.

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