[사회][뉴스큐] Who is the first domestic vaccination?

The clock for COVID-19 vaccination is getting faster.

On the 26th of the following Friday, vaccination begins with nursing hospitals and nursing facilities.

Today’s first quarter vaccination list is also confirmed.

No specific list is announced, but I am interested in who will be at No. 1.

Although it is a vaccine that will play an important role in overcoming COVID-19, there is still anxiety about its effectiveness and side effects.

In particular, there was confusion over the efficacy of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Because of this, the first vaccinator can be a symbolic person who can calm this anxiety.

As such, there are voices that No. 1 should become president.

Former lawmaker Seung-min Yoo said that anxiety among the elderly is spreading over AstraZeneca vaccine.

He stressed that the president must be beaten first to eliminate distrust.

In fact, President Moon is not eligible for the first quarter vaccination.

President Moon, 68, can get the vaccine in the second quarter of the vaccination schedule.

However, the fact that the president is No. 1 can have a lot of meaning.

The president also said at a New Year’s press conference that he was willing to get the vaccine first.

[문재인 / 대통령(2021년 신년 기자회견) : 만약에 정말 백신에 대한 불안감이 아주 높아져서 백신을 기피하는 상황이 되고, 솔선수범이 필요한 상황이 된다면 (먼저 백신 접종을 맞는 것을) 피하지 않겠습니다.]

How were the leaders of the world?

US President Biden was vaccinated 10 days after vaccination began in the United States on December 11 last year.

We also released scenes of getting the vaccine.

Some of them were the first to get vaccination.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu rolled his arms up saying that he would set an example when a poll that a third of the people were reluctant to immunize.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo broadcast live on YouTube of the scene of being vaccinated against China’s Sinovac.

However, if the vaccination schedule is right now, there is a high possibility that the person who gets the vaccine will be the first in a nursing hospital.

[정은경 / 질병관리청장 (지난 15일) : 아마 요양병원 종사자가 1호 접종 대상자가 될 것으로 보고 있습니다. 아직 지자체별로 접종 계획을 확인하고 있기 때문에 세부 접종 일정이 정해지면 1호 접종 대상자에 대해서도 선정해서 말씀을 드리고….]

The first person in the world to get vaccinated,

Vaccination No. 1 was a 90-year-old grandmother in England.

In the United States, an immigrant black female nurse was the first protagonist.

In Korea, who will be the first to be in this position?

The government will separately announce the 1st inoculation around the 25th or 26th.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
