[사회][뉴스큐] New civil servants ringing in’shibotteok’?… Jeon Hae-cheol “I’ll check the wrong practices”

Have you ever heard the word’shiboteok’?

Not long ago, a new government official turned each Baekseolgi into the department with Shibo Tteok, and it was thrown in the trash, so an article came up saying that he cried all night.

Civil servants gain practical experience for a certain period of time before they are officially appointed.

When it comes to the time signal period, I usually work for 6 months to 1 year.

Shibo-teok originated from the practice of giving rice cakes to the department as a sign of gratitude after the end of this hourly period.

[이영 / 국민의힘 의원(국회 행안위 전체회의) : 공무원 임용돼서 시보 기간이 끝나면 정식 임용될 때 시보떡이라는 걸 돌려야 한다고 합니다. 요새는, 떡도 돌리지만 피자나 마카롱도 돌리고 파이도 돌리고, 식사 대접도 해야… 이 시보떡 관행에 대해 신세대들은 부정적 의견 압도적입니다.]

[전해철 / 행정안전부 장관 : 잘못된 시보떡 관행 말씀해 주셨는데. 확인해보겠습니다.]

In fact, when I searched the internet for’Times’, the advertisements of companies that matched the rice cakes appeared first.

The types and shapes vary from rice cakes to homemade cookies, and the prices vary depending on the choice.

[공무원1 : 안 돌리면 뒷말이 나오죠.]

[공무원2 : 누구는 뭐 돌렸더라, 옆 부서에도 돌렸던데? 이런 비교하니까, 스트레스죠ㅠ]

[공무원3 : 시보떡에 월급의 반이 쓰였어요.]

It started with a feeling of gratitude and favor, but why did I have to shed tears.

I looked at the articles posted on the anonymous community of office workers.

It’s not a duty, and there are places that I don’t do, but it seems like I have to turn around.

Most of all, there were many complaints that it was the most difficult to be compared from the standpoint of a new recruit who started working life.

Some complained of difficulties saying that half of the salary was spent.

When this controversy emerged, the Jongno-gu Office today announced that the mayor of the district would send refreshments to share to the department to create a different culture to celebrate the new start and eliminate the culture of rice cake.

“For our generation, a breeze can be a pain as generations change.” -Lee Young, National Power of Congress

The old generation today was also a new generation in the past.

Sharing something and naturally learning the faces of seniors and listening to advice can be a great help to your first social life, which is only unfamiliar.

However, as it is pointed out that the breeze of the past generation can cause pain as generations change, if the current Shibo-tteok culture is becoming a burden rather than cheering, it would be right to boldly improve it.

I look forward to the creation of a new culture that embodies the consideration of senior public officials so that new public officials can work proudly in the future.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
