[사설]Punitive property tax bombs owed by failure in real estate policy

The government raised the official price of apartment houses nationwide this year by 19.08% compared to last year. It is the largest increase in 14 years since 2007, exceeding the 5.32% increase rate of the previous year. By region, Sejong rose a whopping 70.68%, and Gyeonggi (23.96%) and Seoul (19.91%) also rose significantly. The number of apartment houses that were subject to comprehensive real estate tax collection, with the official price exceeding 900 million won, surged 70% from 300,000 last year to 520,000 this year. Even the middle class, who has difficulty avoiding punitive taxes, has fueled the burning real estate public sentiment.

The soaring publicly announced price is due to the fact that house prices have risen a lot due to the failure of real estate policies due to regulatory changes, and the rate of reflecting the market price has risen rapidly. As a result, the burden on the people, such as property tax and property tax, property tax, etc., as well as health insurance premiums and basic pension, increases like a snowball. There are criticisms that the government came up with counterfeit real estate countermeasures 25 times, raising house prices to the ceiling, causing speculation by employees of Korea Land and Housing Corporation, and even having a property tax bomb. On the Internet, voices of anger are pouring out, such as, “Is the house price raised to rob the national pocket?” “Only the government, which has been forced to collect more taxes due to the surge in house prices, is laughing”. Income has already decreased due to the Corona 19 incident, but the dropping of a’tax bomb’ made it more like a tax resistance, rather than a house price.

Excessive public price hikes are nothing but large-scale tax increases for the whole people in order to fill in the holey tax revenue. After spending a lot of money with a populist policy, he is paying punitive taxes to the middle class who bought a house. At last year’s general election, the ruling party lawmakers pledged to ease the tax tax for real residents of one household, one house, but as soon as the election ended, they were thrown away like devotion partners. Even now, as promised, legislation should be implemented to reduce the burden of ownership tax for one household and one homeowner. In addition, it is necessary to stabilize house prices and regulate the rate of public price hikes through policies that conform to market principles.

/ Editorial Committee Room

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