[사설]It is a violation of election neutrality, the text that helped find Gaduk as well.

Key officials from the Party government, including President Moon Jae-in and Lee Nak-yeon, together with the Democratic Party representative, dispatched to Busan on the 25th, one day before the National Assembly plenary session of the’Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act’. On that day, President Moon visited Busan’s Bujeon Station, the sea near Gadeokdo, and the Busan New Port in order to receive a report on the’Southeastern Megacity Construction Strategy’ and review the progress. President Moon emphasized the necessity of a new airport, saying, “The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport must have a will,” with Minister Byeon Chang-heum of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport who discussed the problems of the construction of a new airport on Gadeok Island. In response, Minister Byeon said, “The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport looks as if it is against the new airport and regrets.” Accordingly, pointed out that it is a move to empower the ruling party candidate ahead of the Busan Mayor’s election on April 7.

The problem is that the Gadeokdo New Airport Special Act has a total problem in terms of economy, safety, procedures, and environment. The budget was set by Busan City at 7.5 trillion won, but according to the estimate of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, it will increase to 28,600 billion won, which is more than four times when domestic flights and military facilities are included in addition to international flights. Although it could cost more than the previous administration’s four major river projects (22 trillion won), it was also able to exempt the preliminary feasibility study. In addition, since the depth of the area is up to 21m, the safety is very weak, such as the ground can sink even if it is reclaimed. It was because of this situation that it was judged to be below the standard score in the 2011’Evaluation of the location of new airports in the southeastern region’.

In addition, practitioners from relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Ministry of Justice are opposing this special law with one voice. Officials in charge are complaining that if they approve the bill even though they know the problem, they can be punished for abandonment of duties or violation of their duty of integrity. Despite this, the passport leadership is trying to get the votes by pushing for’Do not ask legislation’. No one can deny that this special law is for election purposes. Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Public Official Election Act stipulates the obligation to neutralize elections, saying, “Public officials must not engage in any act that affects the election results.” It is a clear violation of election neutrality that the president visited the scene to empower and encourage the promotion of the new airport in Gadeok Island, even though most of the government officials of the relevant ministries oppose it and go against common sense and the law. This is why the President is in a situation where Justice Minister Park Bum-gye screams, “I work as a minister, but as a member of the National Assembly, I will certainly follow the party argument.”

/ Editorial Committee Room

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