[사설]Biden, who adheres to North Korea’s principles, says, “The will to denuclearize North Korea is clear”

In the diplomatic and security lines of the new US President Joe Biden, there are exceptionally many hard-line sanctions against North Korea. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman has long been deeply involved in negotiations with North Korea since 1997, but has deep distrust in North Korea, saying, “I have never trusted North Korean people.” David Cohen, who was appointed as the deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), was a hard-liner who was referred to as the “underworld lion of North Korea” after the Barack Obama administration imposed severe sanctions on North Korea. We can read the willingness of the Biden regime to adhere to the principle of hard-line policy toward North Korea to achieve denuclearization through strong sanctions against North Korea.

However, unlike the current of the United States, President Moon Jae-in said at a New Year’s press conference that “Chairman Kim Jong-un has a willingness to denuclearize.” This is a remark that is far from North Korea’s recent provocative movement. At the 8th Labor Party Congress on the 12th, Chairman Kim ordered publicly to develop nuclear weapons for South Korea and the United States, saying, “We need to further strengthen the deterrence of nuclear war.” Chairman Kim did not speak of’denuclearization’ on this day and mentioned’nuclear’ 36 times. Two days later, at the night fever ceremony, the new submarine launch ballistic missile (SLBM) was unveiled, showing off nuclear weapons. Nevertheless, President Moon even said, “If necessary, consultations can be made through the Inter-Korean Military Joint Commission” regarding the military training of the ROK-US coalition in March, which North Korea requested to suspend. It is difficult to understand that we will discuss the military alliance training with North Korea, not the United States. There is even criticism among experts as’self-harmful ideas’.

The Moon Jae-in administration had pursued a peace process on the Korean Peninsula centered on dialogue and cooperation during the Donald Trump administration, but failed to advance the implementation of North Korea’s denuclearization at all and caused a crack in the ROK-US alliance. With the inauguration of the Biden administration, it is necessary to re-establish the principle of North Korea, centered on the ROK-US alliance. Even now, a peace regime on the Korean peninsula can be achieved only by creating a roadmap for the abolition of North Korean nuclear weapons through close cooperation with the United States.

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