[사설] “Deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate the rule of law is annihilation”

On the 2nd, Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol poured out his intentional remarks aiming at the establishment of a serious crime investigation office (heavy water office) for passports, with the main idea of ​​the prosecution’s deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate. This is the first time that Yoon expressed his opposition to the Act on the establishment of the Heavy Water Office, and the reason why he struck Bae-jin while discussing the resignation is probably because this bill violates the spirit of the Constitution and breaks the foundation of the criminal justice system.

In an interview with the media, Yoon said, “The law of establishing the Heavy Water Office is an extermination of the rule of law and destruction of the constitutional spirit,” and “deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate is giving extraterritorial jurisdiction to powerful forces.” He criticized, “Because the prosecution does not bend under any pressure, I am now trying to take my sword and drive it away,” he criticized, saying, “I walk on the road as a rule, so I try to pull Poclain and dig the road.” He also said, “This bill is a straightforward legislation that destroys the criminal justice system for over 70 years,” he said. “If I can stop it, I’ll bet it 100 times.” As Yoon pointed out, investigation is a process of collecting various evidences to execute a sentence against criminals, and cannot be separated from prosecution. The passport says, “In developed countries, the right to investigate and prosecute is separated,” but it is not true. The U.S., France, and Japan are legally stipulated to investigate the prosecution, and Germany also has the right to investigate in the form of commanding the police. The UK’s SFO, similar to the Heavy Water Agency, also has the right to investigate and prosecute only serious crimes such as bribery and corruption. Even though 80% of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries recognize the prosecution’s right to investigate the prosecution, the passport is trying to remove even the prosecution’s right to investigate six areas because of the intention to crush power investigations such as the suspicion of the Wolseong nuclear power plant by tying the prosecution’s hands and feet under the pretext of prosecution reform. will be. The fact that many of the lawmakers who led the installation of the heavy water office are being investigated and tried by the prosecution also fuels such doubts.

If the prosecution fails to demonstrate advanced investigation capabilities due to the deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate, only intelligent criminals will be active, and the people will be responsible for the damage. The Blue House said, “Respect the National Assembly and give your opinions carefully,” in response to President Yoon’s criticism, but it is a matter of self-confidence from a passport that did not collect enough public opinion during the legislative process.
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
