[사설] Constitutional Court’s decision to carry out airlift in the north, self-destruction of existence value

On the 29th, the Constitutional Court decided that the Airborne Law, which was the basis for the establishment of a criminal investigation center for high-ranking officials, was constitutional. In February of last year, a decision was made in 11 months on the judgment of the Constitutional Petition filed by members of the Future Integration Party (now the power of the people). Since the appointment of Kim Jin-wook, the Minister of Airlift, and the signing ceremony of the Ministry of Airlifting on the 21st, were already overwhelming in the legal profession. The Constitution’s decision was made only to confirm the establishment of the ruling party’s airlift after death.

On the day, the Constitutional Court said in its decision, “Establishing an airlift is not a violation of the separation of three volumes.” The reason was that the Airborne Ministry belonged to the administration. Regarding the granting of the right to apply for a warrant to the prosecutors of the airlift, the Constitution regarded it as constitutional, saying, “Under the constitution, the right to apply for a warrant is not limited to prosecutors under the Prosecutors’ Office Act.

There is absolutely no way to say that this decision was wrong. However, the problem is that the Constitutional Constitution depreciated itself due to a belated decision. It was December 30, 2019 that the Airlift Act passed the National Assembly. In less than two months after that, opposition lawmakers filed a constitutional appeal. However, the constitution delayed the decision. The constitution had passed five months until July 15, 2020, when the Airborne Law was enforced. The constitution did not make any decisions until the end of October last year when the candidate recommendation committee was formed and the two finalists were recommended on December 28th. Due to the delay in the constitution’s decision, over the past year, Korea has had to pay the price of extreme political and social conflict over the establishment of airlift.

The Constitution is the last fortress to defend the constitution, the basic law of the state. There is a duty to protect the basic rights of the people by securing political neutrality. But now the constitution’s constitution of judges raises concerns about independence from power. Of the nine judges, three were appointed as the president, including the warden, and one was nominated by the ruling party. The two were nominated by Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo, appointed by President Moon. If they fail to become independent from the regime, the independence of the constitution will also be shaken. In the past, the constitution was determined to impeach President Park Geun-hye and the unconstitutional decision before the administrative capital. There should be no further back-book decision.
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
