[블록체인 뉴스리뷰] What is Ripple’s fate? | Block media

[블록미디어 강주현 기자] Is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) trying to bog down the cryptocurrency market, which is having its best year? The SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) lawsuit against Ripple is impacting the market as a whole.

Except for Bitcoin and Ethereum, which were previously judged as not securities, no one can be relieved in front of the blade of the SEC. In this case, it would be nice if the industry cheered for Ripple with one voice, but it is not. There is also fierce opinion outside the courts between the camp that advocates Ripple and the camp shouting out the Ripple exit. What will be the fate of Ripple?

미 SEC 소송 제기 소식에 XRP 증권 여부 논란 재점화

The SEC sued Ripple for selling $1.3 billion worth of undocumented securities. As a result, it became a controversy again about whether Ripple’s securities, which had been a long-standing past, were held. Ripple Labs consistently argues that XRP is a currency, not a security. This is because even if you buy XRP, investors do not have the decision-making power of Reflaps or receive dividends. The SEC would not have filed a lawsuit without thinking, and fierce court battles are expected.

[전문가 코멘트] XRP, 역사적 가치 레벨 향한 보다 긴 조정 예상 – 야슈 골라

The SEC lawsuit is becoming an unprecedented crisis for Ripple. Ripple, which has shown a strong uptrend for a while, is continuing to plunge. Would there be no ripple floor that falls without help?

미 SEC 고소 후 XRP 가격 급락, 상장 폐지 등 혼란 심화

Trials continue to strike Ripple. Whales and exchanges are turning their backs one by one because the price plunge is not enough. It would be nice to read why this crisis hit Ripple.

SEC – 리플 소송, 암호화폐 역사상 규제 관련 최대 사건 … XRP 거래 공간 상실 위험

The SEC Ripple lawsuit is coming as a shock to those in the industry as well. How does one of the cryptocurrency celebrities, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson, view the Ripple outbreak? Listen to what he said.

비트와이즈, 암호화폐 지수펀드 내 XRP 포지션 청산 … SEC – 리플 소송 반영

Bitwise, a cryptocurrency asset manager, also abandoned ripple. The impact of the SEC and Ripple’s lawsuit on the industry is getting bigger and bigger. How did Bitwise deal with Ripple?

민간전자서명 4개사 출격, 내년 연말정산에 어떤 걸 쓸까

As the accredited certificate was abolished on the 10th, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security gave legal effect to private certificates of five companies. Accordingly, from January next year, year-end settlement will be possible through private certificates. Among them, there are companies that provide services based on blockchain. We have summarized the services of each company so that you can determine which service to use for the upcoming year-end settlement.

[전문가 코멘트] 비트코인 랠리 2017년과 달리 다년 간 지속 전망 – 마이크 노보그라츠

Unlike the bull market in 2017, it is expected that this year’s bull market will continue to attract large numbers of institutional investors. This is an industry-wide perspective. Novograz said that bitcoin will take a significant portion of its share in gold, but what will happen?

CME 이더리움 선물 출시 이유는 고객 수요 증가

Bitcoin isn’t the only one attracting attention in the bull market. Ethereum has been in the spotlight this year through various issues such as the uptrend due to DeFi and Ethereum 2.0. Thanks to that, CME also launched Ethereum futures three years after the launch of the Bitcoin futures product. I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of the futures market starting in February next year.

문건기 KODA 대표 “기관 수요 있는 코인 취급” … 내년초 서비스 시작

Who should institutional investors wanting to invest in Bitcoin to partner with? KODA, created by KB Kookmin Bank in partnership with Hashed and Hatch Labs, will start selling and entrusting cryptocurrencies to institutional and corporate investors in January next year. In the meantime, domestic institutional investors have not been able to enter the market. Will KODA truly capture the hearts of institutional investors?

코로나 사태 덕분 비트코인 압도하는 주가 상승 기업들

The global economy has been hit by Corona 19, but some companies have benefited and their stock prices have risen. A representative example is Zoom, an online video conferencing company. What other companies have benefited from Corona 19?

비트코인 공급·유동성 위기 심각 … 전체 공급량 12%만 유동성 – 글래스노드 분석가

It is an analysis that the liquidity problem is contributing to the strength of Bitcoin. Analyst Rafael Schulz-Craft Glassnode predicts that Bitcoin’s massive liquidity and supply crisis will be reflected in prices in a few months. How will the Bitcoin liquidity crisis affect the price?

나스닥 상장 캐나다 기업 비트코인 투자 발표

It is news that a portion of the investment portfolio of the Canadian fintech company Mogo, listed on NASDAQ, will be allocated to Bitcoin. It can be said to be the successor to corporate investors such as MicroStrategy, PayPal, and Square. It is the appearance that the advancement of corporate investors is becoming more active.
