[벤치명암] Hyundai Mobis coach Yoo Jae-hak, the secret to reducing the scoring score in the second half?

[점프볼=울산/이재범 기자] Heo Hoon played an active part with 21 points and 9 assists in the first half alone. In the second half, he only scored 11 points and 3 assists. Heo Hun’s hands and feet were tied up by changing the defense. This is one of the secrets that Hyundai Mobis was able to achieve a reverse victory.

Ulsan Hyundai Mobis won 99-96 in the 2020-2021 Hyundai Mobis professional basketball Busan KT and home game held at the Ulsan Dongcheon Gymnasium on the 24th. Hyundai Mobis, who won three consecutive wins, recorded 25-15, narrowing the gap to 2.5 games from Jeonju KCC, which ranked first.

Hyundai Mobis conceded too easily from the first quarter and lost control of the game. Heo Hoon-centered quick attacks resulted in too many runs. In the second quarter, they were 30-46, 16 points behind.

Hyundai Mobis began pursuing from this point on. Called the time of operation. Nevertheless, the attack was not easy. Instead of Lee Woo-seok, Kim Min-gu was used. Kim Min-gu succeeded in the jumper. It was the starting point of the pursuit. Sean Long and the signing team added to the score. Hyundai Mobis finished the first half with 49-55 in the pursuit.

At the start of the third quarter, Hyundai Mobis followed Long’s successive three-point shot to the bottom of the chin, tied with Lee Hyun-min’s plotter, and reversed to 65-63 with Ki Seung-ho’s quick attack.

In the beginning of the fourth quarter, Hyundai Mobis, who advanced 80-71 with Ki Seung-ho’s 3-point shot, began to chase because it could not stop Yang Hong-seok, Park Jun-young and Heo-hoon. Hyundai Mobis reversed to 94-96 with 41.3 seconds left, but with 26.2 seconds left, Jang Jae-seok’s 3-point play turned over again. With 3.1 seconds left after Heo Hoon’s error, Kim Min-gu succeeded in a wedge free throw and took the victory.

After winning this day, Hyundai Mobis coach Yoo Jae-hak said, “Not only in the game today (24th), the defense is bad at the beginning of the game. Go out with that tone. I think I should tell you that you have to play strong defense from the beginning.” The ball fell in front of Jang Jae-seok, who moved a lot. The last concentration was good.” He looked back at the game.

Sean Long played an active part with 29 points, including five 3-point shots, the most personal on this day.

Director Yoo Jae-hak said, “When we train ourselves, we often throw 3-point shots. Neither I nor Long make judgments by looking at the stem of the cheeks. Today, the ball stem was good.” “The thing that helped the team more than that was entering the post and playing. So I ordered more play under the goal than a three-point shot, saying, “I ordered to fall under the goal for a long time as if I had dunked with Lee Hyun-min.”

Lee Woo-seok, wearing a Hyundai Mobis uniform, ranked third in the KBL domestic player draft last year, playing for the first time in 9 minutes and 44 seconds, recording 3 points and 1 rebound.

Director Yoo Jae-hak said, “With Lee Woo-suk’s personal ability, he can also play a two-man game. But while playing a two-man game, I was confused by the trap defense and made a mistake.” “If you overcome that, you will like the cut-in and other ballless movements that will help the team. It was also to prevent Yang Hong-seok and Kim Young-hwan from the match-up awards in the second half.”

Heo Hoon, who flew with an average of 20.5 points and 5.8 assists in four confrontations with Hyundai Mobis this season, scored 21 points and 9 assists for the first time in KBL only in the first half of the day, scoring 32 points and 12 assists.

Director Yoo Jae-hak said, “I gave only 21 points in the first half. As soon as the game started, the signing team couldn’t defend and gave a layup because they broke through. When I was playing a two-man game, I told Long to support him from the back, but he didn’t support him, so he gave me all the drums and janggu,” he said. “We need to create an atmosphere that strengthens the defense in the first half,” he told the secret of reducing Heo Hoon’s scoring power in the second half.

On the 28th, Hyundai Mobis will challenge Goyang Orion for 4 consecutive wins.

#Photo_ Reporter Yoon Min-ho

Jumpball / Reporter Jaebum Lee [email protected]

[저작권자ⓒ 점프볼. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
