[백성호의 현문우답]Religious leaders, New Year’s message of hope in the coronavirus era

New Year’s Eve has come. Last year everyone had a difficult time with Corona 19. Religious leaders shrugged off our weary shoulders and threw up the New Year’s message. Even with different religions, different endings, and different ways to unravel the truth, the New Year’s message contains a common one. It is none other than’hope’.

Most of the top leaders of each religion are those who have spent their entire lives walking toward the truth. So, I think it is necessary to carefully examine each word they give. It is because the eyes of those who touch our hearts deeply and the temperature of comfort that flows from them are different.

◆ Catholic Cardinal Sujeong Yeom

Cardinal Yeom Soo-jung said through the New Year message

Cardinal Soo-jung Yeom said in the New Year’s message, “Those who hope in the Lord. Be strong and keep your heart strong.” [중앙포토]

The theme of the New Year’s message delivered by Cardinal Soo-Jung Yeom is “Those who hope in the Lord, be strong and strong in your heart.” This is a verse taken from Psalm 31:25. Cardinal Yeom puts the source of human hope in’truth’. That is why he called them, “You those who hope in the Lord.” Why is that? This is because hope based on truth does not extinguish. Because it does not disappear. Because it is forever. So Cardinal Yeom is handing us a fire of hope and a message of hope that cannot be extinguished despite the adversity of Corona 19.

Cardinal Yeom continued, “This hard time with Corona 19 is adding more suffering to the poor and weak. In the new year, we must not forget our gratitude to the medical staff, volunteers, and their families who give priority to the poor and marginalized people in our society.”

Finally, Cardinal Yeom pointed out the’light and salt of the world’. “True evangelization means that each of us believers live faithfully according to the word of the Lord and become the light and salt of the world.” The words of Jesus in the Bible emphasized the’real evangelization’ that becomes my blood and my flesh. It is said that the result is revealed by the light and salt of the world.

◆Korean Buddhism Jogye Order General Secretary General

General Secretary Won-haeng Jogye-jong of Korean Buddhism

General Secretary Jo Gye-jong of Korean Buddhism said in the New Year message, “Let’s create new hope with a mature sense of community.” [중앙포토]

General Secretary Won Haeng said, “Let’s create a new hope with a sense of mature community,” saying 2021 is “the year of the white cow symbolizing diligence and honesty” in the New Year’s speech. He pointed to 2020 as a’time of hardship’ and diagnosed the difficult reality, saying, “The spread of infectious diseases around the world caused a lot of damage to life and economy, and the disconnection of daily life also lowered the warmth of society.” As a solution to this, he said, “Comfort each other with compassion, and overcome the crisis by practicing the mind of the same group.”

He also spoke bitterly about confrontation, conflict, and antagonism in Korean society. General Secretary Won Haeng said, “The crisis is increasing and the pace of change is accelerating. Conflict is intensifying and the goal of conflict is deepening,” he pointed out, and suggested a Buddhist solution, saying, “Let’s fill the society with warmth through the crisis is solid cohesion, change is active, and confrontation and conflict are embraced and coexisted.”

◆CEO Kang-Seok So, Chul Lee, Jong-Hyun Jang

Korean Federation of Churches Representative Presidency.  From left, Pastor Kang-Seok So, Pastor Jong-Hyeon Jang, and Cheol Lee. [사진 한교총]

Korean Federation of Churches Representative Presidency. From left, Pastor Kang-Seok So, Pastor Jong-Hyeon Jang, and Cheol Lee. [사진 한교총]

The theme of the New Year’s message from the Korean Federation of Churches (KCTU) representatives is “Don’t give up, let’s run”. All religions were difficult due to Corona 19, but Protestants had a particularly difficult year due to the’collective infection issue’. “We are having a lasting and breathtaking day with the Corona 19 pandemic,” said Hankyo-chong. “Even in the ruins, flowers with life bloom. Even if we walk on the desert road of Corona 19, let’s sow the seed of life with the faith and hope that we have given us.”

Subsequently, the President of the Korean Academy of Education said, “If you walk without a road, it becomes a path, and every footstep taken through the sand breeze will sprout the seeds of life and bloom into flowers.” But there were victims. Let’s get together and hold on. No matter how strong a wave can beat a rock. If our faith and our expectations for the Lord become rocks, we can beat any wave.”

◆Korea Christian Church Council (NCCK) Lee Hong-jeong

Secretary of NCCK Lee Hong-jung. [사진 NCCK]

Secretary of NCCK Lee Hong-jung. [사진 NCCK]

The theme of the New Year’s address presented by NCCK Chairman Kyungho Lee and Secretary Hongjeong Lee was “Don’t be afraid. I am by your side. Don’t worry. I am your God. I am your strength. I help. I will hold you with the right arm of justice.” Taken from Isaiah 41:10.

Secretary Lee Hong-jeong said, “It is the Word of God that most Christians on this earth have engraved in their hearts over the past year.” “Many crises we are experiencing now have been pursuing convenience and profit rather than peace and life. It’s a way of life created. In the new year, we must live for God’s mercy, justice, and peace.” Subsequently, he emphasized the breakthrough in peace between the two Koreas and the sharing of pain for the socially weak.

◆Won Buddhism computerized Kim Ju-won Jongbeopsa

Through the New Year message,

Through the New Year’s message, Won Buddhism’s computer sergeant emphasized, “Let’s create a world where Buddha lives from house to house.” [중앙포토]

The theme of the New Year’s message, chosen by Jeon San, the best leader of Won Buddhism, is “Let’s create a world where Buddha lives from house to house. “is. Jeonsan Jong-myeon deeply pointed out the meaning of “confession and paradise”. “The world we dream of is a world in which all the living spirits of blue confessions are led to a vast and vast paradise. The world is not far away.”

Subsequently, the Computational Master emphasized the correlation between’paradise’ and’here and now’. “No matter how difficult it is, if all ties are enshrined as Buddha, and if a Buddha lives from house to house, that is paradise.” I reminded me to make this place a paradise through the restoration of the Buddha-nature that already resides within me and the love of neighbors. Finally, he prayed, “I wish to become a hope for all mankind and become a great contributor leading to paradise”.

Religious reporter Baek Sung-ho [email protected]

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