[백성호의 현문우답]’Protagonist Master’ Kim Seok-jin “I’m in trouble with my work returning in the second half of this year”

#Landscape 1

On the 6th, we met Daesan Kim Seok-jin, who is considered the’master of the leading role’ at his home in Pungnap-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul. Last year, everyone was struggling with Corona 19, economic contraction, and exhausting political battles. How about this year. Kim Ong said, “The main character (周易)” is not a fortune-telling book. It is a book of wisdom, and it is a book that allows us to find a balance and a way to live.”

Confucius also read 『The Lead』 so that the leather strap of the bamboo stem was cut three times. It is not because the book is difficult. That means that Confucius took care of the 『protagonist』 and studied it. The protagonist does not speak of a fatalistic determinism that “the future is already set”. The’translator’ of the protagonist is the translator to change. It’s more of a valuable advice for finding a healthy balance in a world that changes from moment to moment. Of course, there are traditions, history and wisdom of East Asia that have been handed down for thousands of years.

#Landscape 2

Seokjin Kim Ong is 94 this year. There is Mongchontoseong Fortress in front of Pungnap-dong’s home, so I take a 30-minute walk twice a day in the morning and afternoon. Even when walking, slogans are applied to suit the protagonist. “One, two, three, four,” not “one, two, three, four”, but from the left foot “thousands (天一), Ji (地二), cheonsam, and governors… It’s like “

“Wouldn’t it be scary to an old man over 90 if he turned Mongchontoseong alone? You could fall. But’Cheonil, Gee, Cheonsam, Governor… ‘If I take off my feet while crying, I will walk. There is no noise. If I fall, I can’t even think about what to do. In the leading role, it is expressed as’God does it.’ Ong Kim turns Mongchon Saturn to the left on odd-numbered days and to the right on even-numbered days. That way, he said that he was to adapt his life to the order of the protagonist.

#Landscape 3

Just before the interview, I suddenly became curious. What was the ‘2020’ he said at the beginning of last year? It was a vague future at that time, but now it is the near past. At the beginning of 2020, I looked for the protagonist prospects unraveled by Kim Seok-jin Ong. The point was this.

“The year 2020 is a change from’Sancheondaechuk (山天大畜)’ to’Oxidation rain (山火賁)’. ‘Large axis’ means to build large. ‘Sancheon’ means that a small mountain is full of greed as it embraces the sky. ‘It should be us. It must be us.’ Then it becomes a problem. There is a way to solve it. You know how to stop. If you don’t know how to stop, it becomes an empty wagon with only noise.”

How are you? Do you nod at last year’s protagonist prospects? Looking back now, do you think it was a’correct diagnosis’. Many times I nodded.

#Landscape 4

Kim Seok-jin Ong looked healthy. Seeing you in a year, we have made more corrections than last year. I asked him’the new year of 2021′.

What is the rule of the year?

“The ruling of this year is’Ji Taek-rim’ (地澤臨). He is not able to choose the land owner. What the ground is. It is the basis of my walking. Everything must come out of the ground. Doesn’t grain come from the ground? Also, the pond must be filled with water. This is what you buy. Last year’s Sancheondae celebration is metaphysics, and this year’s Jitaeklimgwa is metaphysics. Taeklim Ji is a story about material things and economic things. However, there are necessary conditions in order for the ground to produce grain and to fill the pond with water.”
“Last year, I needed to know how to stop, but I couldn’t stop it properly. Corona did not stop properly, and politics did not stop properly. Politics continued to insist. ‘It should be us. I couldn’t stop thinking that it must be us. He didn’t stop and told the other person to stop. The necessary condition for Ji Taeklimgwa this year is’Im(臨)’. You must do it with extreme sincerity. And’im(臨)’ also means’to reign’.”

What exactly does the’im (臨)’ mean?

“It means that in the first half of this year, the people who came to the corona situation should act with extreme sincerity. Only then will you reign over Corona. Corona should be extinguished in the first half and economically recovered in the second half. To do this, we must work with extreme sincerity in the first half. You shouldn’t pretend to be good, pretend to be good, or pretend to be careful.”

#Landscape 5

The protagonist’s rule has a body and a dragon. If the body is the body, the dragon is the limb. If the sieve is a lump of clay, the dragon becomes all kinds of shapes made from that clay. If the sieve is the basis, then the dragon is the change. Kim Seok-jin Ong said, “If this year’s body is’jitaeklim’, this year’s dragon is’Neontaekgwimae (雷澤歸妹).’

What does’Neutaekgwimae(雷澤歸妹)’ mean?

“’Neotaek Gwimae’ is the way my sister is married. It means to go to the house. It means that everyone finds their place. Che (体) and dragon (用) can be divided into the first half and the second half. In the first half of the year, the body of’Ji Taek-rim’ was changed and it became a dragon called’Neo-taek Gwimae’ in the second half. In the first half of the year, if the corona is eradicated with great care, everyone will visit their workplace in the second half.”

Sounds very hopeful.

“That’s not just a very good rule. In the old days, when a woman was married, she went to a basket full of chestnuts and jujubes. However, in’Neotaek Gwimae’, my sister goes to marry, but the basket is empty. ‘Seunggwangmusil (承筐無實)’. It means to wear an empty basket without fruit on your head.”

Why is the basket empty?

“This is the housekeeper’s rule. That means living is difficult. It means that you are in need economically. During the 1997 IMF (International Monetary Fund) crisis, the ruling of ‘Neon-taek-guimae’ appeared. Having suffered from corona for a long time, wouldn’t it be economically difficult to return to work?”

#Landscape 6

If you only see the protagonist as a’divination book’, you are only looking at the tip of the iceberg. ‘Blood Hungchwigil (避凶取吉)’. In the process of avoiding the evil and going to the side of the road, the protagonist fills the gaps and balances them. So, Confucius has even published ten commentaries on the protagonist of’Sipik (十翼)’. Kim Ong says, “If it weren’t for Confucius, the protagonist would not have been handed down.”

At the end of the interview, Kim Seok-jin Ong summarized the protagonists of 2021’s New Year’s Eve in lion idioms.

‘Dash implementation of the Jirim Party’s Committee (至臨當位 待時而行).

“It means that we must do what we have to do and where we are supposed to be, and wait for the time to do it. Because of the corona last year and this year, I couldn’t do anything, wait, and then practice again. It’s late, but I wait for the time to do it. Anyway, in the first half of this year, the whole people should deal with corona with extreme sincerity. We must take care of each other. Only then can we overcome it.”

Written by = Reporter Baek Seong-ho, journalist specialized in religion [email protected], Photo = Reporter Kim Seong-ryong

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