[방송]Rain “Don’t marry Ziyang”… what happened?

Singer Rain made a joint broadcast with Mukbang BJ Ziyang.

On the 7th, a video titled “Ziyang, eating the whole mart next to Dieter B” was uploaded on the YouTube’Season B Season’ channel.

In the video, Ziyang and Rain share food and chat at the food section of the department store.

Ziyang and Bi put more than 100,000 won of fish and various high-quality meats in their carts. They also bought all visible items such as ramen and fruit.

Currently, Rain is on a diet, so he keeps one meal a day. Rain cooked meat for Ziyang to eat and showed off his splendid food skills.

Ziyang encouraged Bi, who is cooking, to eat, but when she said, “I will eat it when I have a little spare time,” she said, “It may be a little later, and there may not be,” and amazed.

Rain made a laugh when he said to Ziyang, who had finished eating a huge amount of meat, “Don’t marry the real guy. Imagine that Ziyang gave birth to Ziyang. If you tell him to eat meat today, you’ll get rid of him today.”

In addition, Rain asked Ziyang why he declared his retirement. Ziyang said, “In fact, the broadcast is a little bit wrong. It is not an interesting type, and when it is broadcast live, viewers say it is no jam.”

In response, Rain advised, “That’s what you see. The moment you forcefully make it, it’s no different from other programs. It should taste as deep as Gomtang.”

Reporter Noh Min-taek [email protected] / Photo = Rain YouTube capture

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