[방송]From’Youth Records’ to’Queen Iron Man’ Lee Jae-won “I want to become a mackerel-like actor”

Actor Lee Jae-won, who gave a pleasant smile to the viewers by challenging the historical drama for the first time through’The Iron Man’, shared his impressions of appearance.

Jaewon Lee said in a video interview with YTN star, “There was an unknown fear of the historical drama. He said, “There was a fear of expressions of the times that I had never experienced, but the image of historical dramas improved through the Queen Ironman.”

He said, “It seems that viewers like historical drama a lot. The reaction around was also very good. There were a lot of reactions that it was a fun work that didn’t feel good, so my fear of historical dramas disappeared.”

From'Youth Records' to'Queen Iron Man' Lee Jae-won “I want to become a mackerel-like actor”

Jaewon Lee said, “If it was an authentic historical drama, it would have been difficult because there were many historical evidences and many real characters. However,’Queen Iron Man’ was filmed while having fun with young actors and directors in a comical fusion historical drama.”

This work also gave him the qualifier of’the actor who believes and sees beyond”the new stealer’.

Jaewon Lee said, “I feel good and thankful for the expression’Actor I believe in and see’. I think it was a great blessing as an actor, as it can be a little help to viewers. I want to convey the words to the viewers who are struggling to do their best.”

From'Youth Records' to'Queen Iron Man' Lee Jae-won “I want to become a mackerel-like actor”

From'Youth Records' to'Queen Iron Man' Lee Jae-won “I want to become a mackerel-like actor”

“I once said that I wanted to become an actor like mackerel. It is always easy to access at the table, but it was a reference to the delicious, friendly mackerel. In the future, he said, “I want to meet the viewers with a friendly and fun role,” and said, “I want to show the work that is in front of me, my character, and show interesting characters.”

YTN star reporter Seonghyun Kim ([email protected])
[사진 제공 = 씨제스 엔터테인먼트, tvN]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
