[방송]Ahn Sang-tae’s wife “Malicious writing” VS Neighbor A “We are the victims”… Conflict escalating

Conflict is escalating as netizens, who complained of the damage caused by interfloor noise due to the family of comedians, posted the second revelation.

On the 12th, an online community revealed the story of a netizen that he was suffering from the floor noise of the comedian A’s family. “I am planning to move to a piloti-structured house that has no downstairs.”

On the other hand, Mr. Jo In-bin, wife of Ahn Sang-tae, said, “When I met him in the elevator, he didn’t say anything, and then I was amazed to see him uploading a post in public by maliciously capturing my Instagram photos and shooting the groom. It was written badly with the intention of blaming us. Don’t believe everything just by looking at that article,” he expressed regret.

He continued, “I have never had a problem with interfloor noise while living in this house for 5 years. The person who loves us knows, but he is a personality that he absolutely hates to avoid others, and he never runs excitedly. “I am always careful,” he said, “even though a house other than ours is under construction, we send uncles from the security office to protest and press the bell several times a day.”

As a result, the netizen who claimed the damage to the floor noise said, “I visited exactly three times. Whenever I went, I was polite and came to speak with my hands together. On the third day of my visit, I asked,’Is the child running?’, and the husband said,’It is illegal to come in like this.’ They drive us as victims into strange people I apologize and don’t just go behind me.” He predicted the excommunication by posting a second disclosure post.

Reporter Hye-mi Lee [email protected] / Photo = TV Report DB

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