[방송] “The late Choi Jin-sil wouldn’t have been forced to act”…’Vis’ Ziplat, sincere towards music

G-Flat (Choi Hwan-hee) once dreamed of becoming an actor, but revealed the reason for becoming a singer. In the talk show, which made her first appearance after her debut, she conveyed her pure passion for music through honest talk.

MBC Every1’Video Star’, which aired on the 26th, was decorated with’Scene Stealer’ special feature’My Scene, My Scene, My Scene!’, and Song Young-gyu, Lee Jung-hyun, Kim Dae-hee, Park Seung-min, and Ziplat appeared as guests.

Among them, Choi Hwan-hee, the son of the late actor Choi Jin-sil, who transformed into a rapper Z-flat, attracted attention. G-Platt, who introduced himself as “a rookie rapper for a month of debut,” released the atmosphere by declaring, “When you see a person for the first time, you are unfamiliar. When the atmosphere becomes comfortable, your mouth bursts. It is comfortable to treat me insignificant.”

Ji-Platt has become a celebrity following his mother, the late Choi Jin-sil and his uncle, the late Choi Jin-young. He said that since he grew up watching such families, he naturally focused his attention on careers such as actors, singers, and directors from an early age.

“But I thought that acting didn’t fit me in the part that I had to express the feelings the director wanted according to the script,” he said. “Because music can express the feelings I want, I express emotions. It fits me well because I was awkward. Even if my mother was alive, I wouldn’t have forced me to become an actor,” he said carefully.

I also reflected on what I easily thought about music in the past. Regarding his past remarks, “If you go to’Show Me the Money’,” G-Flat said, “This is what I said when I started music about 3 years ago. At that time, my motive for music was’Show Me the Money’ or’High School Rapper’.” It was to become popular by appearing. I was arrogant.”

As for the reason why I did not challenge the audition program in the end, “I was worried that I would get the image that I had dropped out of the audition program early and started music. I thought that I had to look at the mountain a little further, but I got old and could go to the’High School Rapper’. “It’s gone,” he said and made a laugh.

However, G-Flat surprised everyone by revealing that their debut song’Designer’, which was released last November, was “unfamiliar”. There was a designer original song made a year ago, but it was arranged in a bright atmosphere because of the opinion that it was dark as a debut song. Because of this, he confessed, “I have moved away from the arrangement that can show my emotions and strengths.”

Since then, G-Flat released the calm’Designer’ of the original version for the first time, and showed off his rap skills by showing the’Designer’ stage with the support of the cast.

On this day, Ziplat seriously confessed from the days when he thought about the audition challenge to gain popularity, the moment he fell into music rather than an actor, and even his thoughts about the music he composed. It wasn’t just that she became an entertainer after her mother, but she showed her pure passion for music that could express her emotions in her own way.

As he said, if he appeared in the audition early, he might have gained fame and popularity earlier, but it would have been difficult to convey his sincerity as it is now. The mature Ziplat, who knows how to look inside himself and wait for the time, made him look forward to his performance in the music industry in the future.

YTN Star Reporter Boran Choi ([email protected])
[사진캡처 = ‘비디오스타’]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
