[바이든 취임 D-3]Diplomatic and Security Line Korean Peninsula Experts Sweep

US President-elect Joe Biden. © AFP=News1

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden, who is about to take office on the 20th (local time), is using a large number of experts on the Korean peninsula who are proficient in North Korea policy in diplomatic and security lines, predicting considerable changes in Korean peninsula policy.

◇ Blincoln’s’Strategic Patience’ policy establishment:
Biden nominated Tony Blincoln as Secretary of State, who oversees US foreign affairs, and Wendy Sherman as Deputy Secretary.

Nominated for US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln. © AFP=News1

If Blincoln becomes minister, there is a high likelihood that he will return to the’strategic patience’ policy under the Barack Obama administration regarding the North Korean nuclear issue. Strategic Patience’ is a content that refrains from excessive response and waits for North Korea’s change.

Blincoln is known for being deeply involved in the establishment of a’strategic patience’ policy, serving as a National Security Advisor and Deputy Secretary of State for the Barack Obama administration.’

In his March 2017 New York Times (NYT) article, “There is no solution that mobilized the military to cope with the North Korean threat.” Advised the application of’solution’.

He said in an interview with the US CBS in January 2019 that complete denuclearization of North Korea is difficult in a short period of time. “What we can do is to control arms and prepare disarmament procedures over a long period of time. “There is a need for enough and constant pressure for this.”

Wendy Sherman, former coordinator of North Korea policy. © AFP=News1

◇ Expert on the Korean Peninsula for the second person in the State Department: Sherman is a leading Korean peninsula expert in the United States, who served as policy coordinator for North Korea in the Bill Clinton administration. He was in line with the Korean government’s Sunshine Policy during the Bill Clinton administration. However, as denuclearization was sluggish, it is evaluated that he turned to a strong position.

In fact, Sherman said immediately after the Iranian nuclear agreement in July 2015, “I hope that after seeing Iran’s sanctions actually lifted, North Korea will rethink the very dangerous course it is pursuing.”

In August of last year, North Korea said that it was a very difficult problem by building its nuclear deterrent capability. “First, I will rebuild relations with South Korea and Japan. On the issue of USFK, he also expressed negative stance to the Donald Trump administration’s demand for increased defense expenses.

Lloyd Austin Appointed US Secretary of Defense. © AFP=News1

Security Advisor Emphasizes the Importance of North Korean Nuclear Practical Negotiations: Former Central Command Commander Lloyd Austin, who was appointed as the first black defense minister in the history of the United States, has no ties to Asia as well as the Korean Peninsula. However, they are known to have the belief that the alliance is an essential element in military operations.

On the other hand, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks is a security expert who served as Deputy Deputy Deputy Minister of Strategy and Planning and Senior Deputy Deputy Minister of Policy in the Obama administration, and is known to have been involved in the’Pivot to Asia’ policy.

Former Vice President of National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who was appointed White House National Security Adviser, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of cooperation with allies and working-level negotiations in North Korea policy.

Jake Sullivan Nominee for National Security Advisor at the White House. © AFP=News1 © News1 Material Photo

In an interview with the diplomatic journal’The Diplomat’ in May 2018, he said, “I have some recognition for focusing on the North Korean nuclear issue.” “We need to be able to take a broader approach to this,” he stressed coordination and consultation with allies in the Asia Pacific region.

In particular, Sullivan made a relationship with Yale University Chair Professor Harold Ko (Korean name Hong-ju Ko), an expert on human rights and international law while attending law school. Prof. Ko was the third son of the late Dr. Ko Kwang-rim, who was exiled to the United States after the 5/16 coup while working as a diplomat at the U.S. embassy during the scene regime.

Kurt Campbell nominated for White House National Security Council (NSC) Indo-Pacific Coordinator. © AFP=News1

◇ New’Asia Tsar’ is designed by’Pivot to Asia’: Kurt Campbell was appointed as the’Asia Tsar’ to oversee the Asian policy of the Biden administration. Tsar refers to the Russian emperor and is the official name of the new White House National Security Council (NSC) Indo-Pacific Coordinator.

He is regarded as a’Asian Tong’ who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia-Pacific at the Department of Defense during the Clinton Administration and as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific in the Obama Administration. He is also known as the architect of former President Obama’s pivot to Asia.

In this month’s’Forine Affairs’ article, he said, “We need cooperation with allies to solve China’s challenges,” and put the Chinese border as a top priority.

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