[바이든 시대] “Pence and McConnell attend Biden’s inauguration instead of Trump’s’self farewell ceremony’”

Input 2021.01.20 07:39 | Revision 2021.01.20 07:40

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, Republican Senate Representative Mitch McConnell, and Republican House Representative Kevin McCarthy will attend the inauguration ceremony of President Joe Biden instead of President Donald Trump’s “self farewell” event on the 20th (local time). It looks like all of the key figures leading the Republican Party turned their backs from President Trump.

US Vice President Mike Pence and Republican Senate Representative Mitch McConnell. /AP Yonhap News

The Washington Post (WP) and CNN reported on the 19th, citing multiple sources familiar with the issue, that Vice President Pence is not expected to attend Trump’s farewell event at the Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, DC before Biden’s inauguration ceremony. This event does not overlap with Biden’s inauguration ceremony, but it is difficult to attend both events due to the street.

Andrews Air Force Base is about 18 km from the Capitol where the inauguration ceremony is held. The event hosted by President Trump takes place at 8 am and the inauguration ceremony at 12 pm.

According to the US internet media Axios, CEOs McConal and McCarthy are also expected to attend the inauguration ceremony of Biden, not President Trump. They are known to have responded to the invitation of Biden-elect to come to Mass at St. Matthew’s Church prior to the inauguration ceremony.

Republican leadership has been distant from President Trump after the invasion of Congress on the 6th. This is because President Trump constantly lied in the process of disagreeing with the results of the presidential election and eventually instigated a’rebellion’. In fact, Vice President Pence was threatened with murder by supporters of polarity by rejecting President Trump’s request to overturn the electoral vote results.

Republican leader McConnell blatantly held Trump’s responsibility. He strongly criticized at the Senate plenary on that day, saying, “The mob grew after eating lies,” and “President Trump and other powerful people provocated them.”

Meanwhile, it is the first time in US history that the president leaves the White House without going to the inauguration ceremony of his successor and holding a separate event. In the excerpt from President Trump’s farewell speech reported by AFP on the day, President Trump does not even mention the name of Biden-elect until the end. In his speech, he simply said, “I pray that a new administration will be launched this week and that the new administration will succeed in making America safe and prosperous.”
