[바둑] Shin Jin-seo wins 2 consecutive wins in Nongshim Shin Ramyun… defeats Yuta Iyama in Japan

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Kim Yong-seok =’No. 1 in the domestic ranking’ Shin Jin-seo 9dan beat Japan’s leading man Yuta Iyama 9th and ran for two consecutive victories.

Shinjinseo 9dan succeeded in 192 times to Yuta Iyama 9dan in the 22nd NongShim Shin Ramyun Cup World Baduk Strongest Battle, held as an online powerhouse at the Korean origin and Japanese origin on the 22nd.

Shin Jin-seo, who ran 2 consecutive wins, 9 dan. [사진= 한국기원]

Shin Jin-seo 9th team, who participated as Korea’s fourth runner, defeated China’s Tang Wei Xing 9th team in 9 countries held on November 24 last year, and also won the first game in the final round, 10 countries, and achieved 2 consecutive wins.

Shin Jinseo 9dan will challenge to win 3 consecutive wins against China’s Yangdingshin 9dan in 11 countries, which will be held from 2 pm on the 23rd. Yang Dingshin’s 9th team is inferior in their opponents with 2-5, but it is noteworthy whether Shin Jinseo 9th, who is running 6 consecutive wins in the recent world competition, will be able to continue winning streaks in this competition.

After the match, Shin Jinseo 9dan said, “In the beginning, I started comfortably because I knew it, but after that, it was not easy as I became rigid. It was a mistake that Yuta Iyama thought deeply while janggoing, and I was sure of victory only at the end. The ancient country was evaluated.

He continued, “I already know that he is a very strong opponent because he lost a lot to Yang Dingshin 9 Dan. It seems that it will be difficult, but as usual, I will study mainly on the pavement.” I will do my best to put it hard,” he said.

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