[문화]Mozart’s unreleased song for’Blue Manjang’… Dedicated performance for’World premiere’ by Jo Sung-jin

Allegro piano accessory in D major… About 1 minute and 30 seconds in length
Jo Sung-jin, Mozart’s unreleased song world’first premiere’
Mozart Music Festival from the 27th to the 31st of the birthday
Jo Sung-jin, Mozart event invited to perform


Mozart’s unreleased songs, buried for hundreds of years, resonated all over the world with Korean performances.

It was performed by pianist Jo Sung-jin, and it became a tribute performance to commemorate the 265th birthday of genius musician Mozart.

Reporter Kim Sang-woo on the report.


Mozart’s unreleased songs, which have been buried for hundreds of years, flow from Jo Sung-jin’s fingertips in colorful chords.

Piano props in Allegro D major, 1 minute and 34 seconds long.

The song, believed to have been composed by Mozart when he was 17, was the first publicly performed in the world.

This song has recently been confirmed as a genuine Mozart song as it was owned by the Salzburg Mozart Association after a tumultuous process such as auctions.

[울리히 라이지너 / 모차르트협회 연구소장 : 이 작품은 그 가치가 너무 커서 위험 부담을 피하고 싶었기 때문에 네 명의 외부 전문가들에게도 자문을 구했습니다. 그들도 감정을 해본 결과 미발표된 모차르트 악보라고 확인해 주었습니다.]

The performance took place online on Mozart’s 265th birthday at a music festival held in his hometown Salzburg, Austria.

Cho Seong-jin, the first Korean winner of the Chopin Concours, played Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 12 and then played unreleased songs in the final order.

[조성진 / 피아니스트 : 제가 모차르트의 음악을 좋아하는 이유는 이야기를 하는 듯한 느낌을 주기 때문입니다. 오페라 같은 느낌을 피아노 레퍼토리에서도 받을 수 있죠.]

This performance, which was appreciated by people all over the world, was once again a tribute performance in honor of the genius musician Mozart.

YTN Kim Sang-woo[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
