[문화]2020’Parasite’ record… the number of audience retreating 20 years ago


In 2020, the film industry was truly a year of mixed joys.

‘Parasite’ set a big record that it was the Academy’s 4th crown, but the number of audiences fell to the bottom as Corona 19 hit the film industry.

Reporter Kim Sun-hee reports.


‘Parasite’, who won the 4th Academy Awards, has rewritten the history of film not only in Korea but also in the world.

For the first time in the history of an academy, a non-English-speaking film won the Best Picture Award, and the first in the history of the Academy won both the Best Picture and the International Film Award.

[김효정 / 영화평론가 : 미국의 주류 관객들, 일반 대중, 혹은 세계 주류 관객들, 일반 대중이 봉준호 혹은 한국 영화의 수준이 어떤 것인지 극명하게 보여주는 예가 된 거죠.]

In 2020, female actors, directors, producers, and other female filmmakers also showed outstanding performance.

Countless works have been poured out such as’The Day I Die’,’Abi Gyu-Hwan’,’Age 69′,’Chansil has a lot of corridors,”Diva’, and more.

[이현경 / 영화평론가 : 특히 윤단비 감독의 ‘남매의 여름밤’은 해외 각종 영화제에 초청되고 수상하는 성과가 있었는데요. 한국적이면서도 개인적 경험이 어우러진 장소 그런 것이 돋보였다고 생각합니다.]

However, the theater district that was hit by the Corona 19 direct hit retreated to 20 years ago with about 60 million audiences a year.

It is 30% of the record in 2019, which was the highest.

[김현수 / 영화진흥위원회 정책사업본부장 : (새해에는) 극장 관객 수나 매출은 회복세에 들어설 가능성이 높지만, 제작, 투자, 창작도 회복될 것인가 라는 측면에서는 그건 시차가 있을 것이다.]

With the spread of online culture with COVID-19, OTT has emerged as a new powerhouse.

Netflix is ​​rapidly expanding its reach, with films taking the OTT line over theaters one after another.

In the new year, even Disney+ with powerful content such as Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar will be coming.

The gloomy situation in the theater district is likely to continue, but OTT is expected to face the splendid spring and autumn national era with native platforms such as Watcha, Teabing, and Wave.

YTN Kim Sun-hee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
