[문화][앵커리포트] ‘Snow Duck’ appeared on BTS’s SNS…extraordinary snowman fever

It’s the main culprit that makes the commute difficult.

It is an object of discomfort, but it can also give someone a little pleasure.

Let’s watch the video.

Instead of’snowman’,’snow duck’ is said to be popular this year.

After collecting the eyes, you can pick it up with duck-shaped tongs, and it’s ready to go, so you won’t have a headache, right?

With these tongs, not only the snow but also the rice is lumped together to make a duck shape.

This’eye-duck’ appeared on the Twitter of the world-class group, BTS, and there was a shortage of’eye-duck’ online.

The unusual snowman is also attracting attention.

It’s in front of a cafe in Daejeon.

The snowman, whose character Elsa from the movie’Frozen’ was transferred, became a hot topic.

It is said that the cafe owner worked with the staff for 5 hours, and this is almost like a work of art.

However, it is controversial because there is someone who broke this snowman for no other reason.

Criticism continued, “Why the hell do you do that?”

In addition to this, there were also many unique snowmen.

There is a snowman in the shape of a violinist.

In front of the Chungnam National University Human Resources Development Center in Daejeon, a work that mimics the cultural property’Cheomseongdae’ found in Gyeongju also appeared.

From here to the toilet, social media became a kind of contest showcasing their own’unique snowman’.

[하재근 / 문화평론가 : 코로나19 때문에 집에 있는 시간이 길어지고 사람들을 직접 만날 수 없다 보니까 소통도 하는 매개체로 눈사람이 활용되는 것 같습니다. 이런 행위 자체가 일종의 비대면 소통이라고 할 수가 있겠죠.]

Of course, even a snowman cannot avoid Corona 19.

Even a snowman wearing a mask or face shield appeared.

Nowadays, people are refraining from going out with Corona 19 distance, and people have met their eyes in their own way.

Just make a snowman and wash your hands first when you come home, so don’t forget.

Park Gwang-Ryeol [[email protected]]

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
