[마감 시황] Selling tax of foreigners and institutions together.. KOSPI 3122.56 (▼17.75, -0.57%) closed down

The KOSPI, which started rising in the morning, closed down to 3122.56, down 17.75p (-0.57%) from the previous trading day (3140.31) due to the’companion’ sale of foreigners and institutions.

Looking at the trends by investor, foreigners and institutions net sold 622.7 billion and 397.7 billion respectively, leading the downtrend, while individuals who took a single long position net bought 10676 billion.

By industry Medical Precision Industry(-2.19%), Construction(-2.00%), Transportation equipment business(-1.83%) and most of the industries closed down, Pharmaceutical industry(+2.48%), Non-metallic mineral industry(+0.83%), Service industry(+0.64%) Only some sectors were strong.

By category, Samsung Electronics closed the market at 85,600 won, down 1.27%, Cognitive Controls (023800)(-16.30%), Sehwa IMC (145210)(-13.24%), WISCOM(024070)(-10.28%) also showed a downtrend. On the other hand Hyundai BNG Steel (004560)(+30.00%), Kumho HT (214330)(+30.00%), Samyang Holdingswoo (000075)(+29.91%) and others closed higher.

Today, 574 stocks declined and 288 stocks rose, including 5 stocks at the upper limit.

[이 기사는 증시분석 전문기자 서경뉴스봇([email protected])이 실시간으로 작성했습니다.]

/Seokyung Newsbot [email protected]

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