[단독]’We Got Divorced’, Season 1 ends on the 15th… “Season 2 is launched in autumn” – SPOTVNEWS

▲’We Got Divorced’ poster. Provide| TV Chosun

[스포티비뉴스=장진리 기자] ‘We Got Divorced’ ends Season 1.

According to an interview with Spotavi News on the 14th, the TV Chosun entertainment program’We Got Divorced’ ends season 1 after broadcasting on the 15th.

‘We Got Divorced’ attracted attention as a divorce reality program that presents the possibility of a new relationship after divorce by observing the celebrity and celebrity couple reuniting and living in one house.

Lee Young-ha and Sunwoo Eun-suk, as well as YouTuber Choi Choi-Yoo Catnip,’Idol No. 1 Divorce Couple’ Park Se-hyuk (Pgun)-Kim Yoo-min, and’Lee Haneul-Park Yoo-seon, who divorced 16 months after 11 years of dating’ appeared and attracted attention. . They frankly revealed various complex stories related to love, marriage, and divorce, causing an echo in the home.

‘We Got Divorced’ was planned on a seasonal basis from the planning stage. Season 1 was initially decided with 12 episodes, but 13 additional episodes were organized thanks to the support of viewers. When Season 1 ends with the broadcast on the 15th, we will have a break for the time being. Season 2 will be launched this fall.

In the final broadcast that airs on the 15th, the last story of’We Got Divorced’ is drawn. From the couple who made them look forward to reunion to the couple who declared that there will be no remarriage, attention is drawn to the last choices of those who showed various divorce stories through’We Got Divorced’.

Spotv News = Reporter Jang Jin-ri [email protected]

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