[단독]Two years after leaving the country, Yunjio sends criminal evidence to Canada for repatriation

On April 8, 2019, Ji-Oun Yoon attended a meeting held in the small meeting room of the National Assembly's Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee and is talking with Ahn Min-seok, a Democratic Party member.  News 1

On April 8, 2019, Ji-Oun Yoon attended a meeting held in the small meeting room of the National Assembly’s Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee and is talking with Ahn Min-seok, a Democratic Party member. News 1

For the repatriation of actor Yoon Geo-san, who has been issued an arrest warrant for suspicion of fraudulent donation, the Ministry of Justice announced that it will provide evidence to complement the intentionality of the crime to Canadian law enforcement authorities. Yoon stood as a witness for the late Jang Ja-yeon-san case, and was sued and accused of defamation or fraud, and left for Canada in April 2019.

According to the data on the’progression of extradition of criminals from Yunjio’ received from the Ministry of Justice by Cho Su-jin, a member of the National Assembly’s Legislative and Judicial Committee, the Ministry of Justice said to Yoon, “I lied about collecting donations in April 2019 and paid about 170 million won I was intoxicated.” Following the progress of the case, ① issued a warrant of arrest in November 2019 → ② requested extradition from the Ministry of Justice in February 2020 → ③ Requested for supplementation from Canada in October 2020 (evidence to supplement the criminal’s intention, etc.). As a future plan, “To respond to Canada’s request for supplementation in consultation with the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office”Added.

On April 24, 2019, Geo-Mr Yoon, who arrived at Incheon International Airport to depart for Canada, broadcasted the departure scene live on Africa TV, and told reporters at the airport, “Am I a criminal?  Are you kidding me?

On April 24, 2019, Geo-Mr Yoon, who arrived at Incheon International Airport to depart for Canada, broadcasted the departure scene live on Africa TV, and told reporters at the airport, “Am I a criminal? Are you kidding me?” Central photo

The reason why the opposition party is paying attention to the Yoon case is that there is a part that resembles the recent issue of’Kim Hak’s illegal departure ban’ controversy.to be. Yoon, who received attention as a public informant in the’old Jang Ja-yeon case’ in 2009, raised a donation for creating a non-profit organization to protect witnesses. Soo-min Kim sued for defamation and insults, saying, “We use Jang Ja-yeon’s unfair death”. I left Korea through Incheon International Airport. Yoon said, “My mother in Canada is sick,” but after arriving in Canada, she changed her words to “In fact, her mother is in Korea.”

The police said that they were looking for red through Interpol (International Criminal Police Agency), but Yoon raised controversy with a life different from the usual wanted, such as posting images of relaxed Canadian life on social media. At the end of last year, he uploaded a video on YouTube saying, “I’m always cheering for Kim Eo-jun,” and a birthday video on social media. Rep. Cho said, “The public interest reporter, who exposed the suspicion of the former Vice Minister Kim Hak-eui’s illegal departure from the Ministry of Justice, said that he would review the accusation for leaking confidentiality, while Yoon, who is actually suspected of fraud, has left the country under detention and cannot be repatriated until now“I pointed out.

Former Vice Minister of Justice Kim Hak-eui goes to court to attend the second trial proceedings at the Seoul High Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul.  yunhap news

Former Vice Minister of Justice Kim Hak-eui goes to court to attend the second trial proceedings at the Seoul High Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul. yunhap news

In the Moon Jae-in administration, there are a number of cases in which the attention of the politicians has been drawn to the departure of a specific person or attempts to leave the country, besides Yoon and former vice ministers. Former military commander Cho Hyun-cheon, who is suspected of intervening in the preparation of the martial law document of the Armed Forces Kimono Command, has not returned after leaving for the United States in late 2017. Former CEO Lee Hyeok-jin, founder of Optimus, was also accused of embezzling 7 billion won worth of money at the beginning of its establishment, but he left overseas during the prosecution investigation in March 2018 and is staying in the United States.

Lee In-gyu, former head of the Central Investigation Office of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, who left the prosecution immediately after the death of former President Roh Moo-hyun in 2009, departed for the United States in August 2017. received. Former Dongbu Group (current DB Group) chairman Kim Joon-ki, who had stayed in the U.S. for disease treatment since July 2017, resigned from the position of chairman when suspicion of sexual harassment arose and avoided police investigations for a while. Then, when the police invalidated Kim’s passport and placed him on the red wanted list, he returned to Korea in October 2019 and was tried.

Reporter Hyun Il-hoon, Intern Reporter Kim Soo-hyun [email protected]
