[단독]SSG.com also stopped selling’baby fish’… Isolated with’bullet squid’

[이데일리 전재욱 기자] SSG.com (Sec.com), which oversees the online sales of Shinsegae Group, has decided not to sell baby fish in the future.

Squid that was on the shelves at Jukdo Market in Pohang, Gyeongbuk last October. The price was 20,000 won for 4 animals. (Photo = Yonhap News)

It will stop selling the bullet squid, red crab, brushfish, and strands, and will conduct a thorough investigation to see if there are any young fish that are sold with other nicknames. When there was growing concern that distribution of young fish would deplete fish stocks, the sales method was changed drastically.

An official at Suk.com said on the 3rd, “We plan to stop selling products classified as young fish right away.” “The decision was made in recognition of social concerns about the depletion of fish stocks.”

Sup.com is an organization that oversees the online sales of Shinsegae Group’s distributors. There are two main sales channels. Major affiliates, such as E-Mart and Shinsegae Department Store, distribute offline products online. That is to say, they sell directly. Apart from this, it also sells products indirectly through partner companies.

So far, the young fish sold on Sec.com were registered as products by affiliated companies. It was an indirect sale product. In the process, bullet squid, red crab, brushed fish, and strands were sold. This brand name does not refer to any other species, but is a nickname given to the offspring of squid, red snow crab, herring, and oil flounder. In the future, these products will be excluded from the sale. Sup.com plans to strengthen its entry criteria so that similar cases do not recur. In fact,’bullet squid’ is only one of the above, so baby squid can take on different forms and be distributed as much as possible. If you respond only superficially, the baby fish can be distributed at any time.

Bullet squid products sold by Auction (left) and Coupang. Bullet squid is not a special species, but a different term for baby squid. (Photo = capture of each company)

To this end, it was decided to strict the sales conditions of participating companies. We plan to check in advance whether the fishery products to be sold comply with the fishing ban set by the law. If it does not meet the standards, it will not sign a contract. It is also planning to strengthen monitoring for products that violate the regulations even after the fact.

An official at Suk.com said, “We will strengthen pre- and post-check whether partner companies are selling seafood that meets the prohibition and banned sports standards set by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. I thought it was a corporate responsibility.”

Evaluation of the distribution industry’s declaration of isolation from young fish follows. Rather than limiting the catch of immature fish, it may be more effective to block distribution channels. If these aquatic products disappear, supply can naturally decrease. Lotte Mart stopped selling bullet squid the day before, and this time, Shinsegae affiliated Suk.com joined in, and it is evaluated that expectations are becoming a reality.

However, the reality is that immature seafood is still sold in e-commerce and open markets. For example, bullet squid is sold without filtering in online sales channels such as CJ Mall, GS Shop, and Post Office Shopping, and open markets such as Coupang, Timon and Gmarket.

An official from the fisheries industry said, “There will be a limit to the quantity of young fish that are not supplied through large distribution channels, and the quantity of products digested by small distribution companies will be limited.” “Do it.”

Product description of baby herring (Solchi) sold at GS Shop. The length of herring banned from this month is 20cm, but those caught before that time are not subject to sanctions. (Photo = GS Shop capture)
