[단독]Song Kwang-soo’s meeting with Bum-gye Park, “Interference in investigation is not an old reform

It was confirmed on the 21st that attorney Song Kwang-soo, the first prosecutor-general appointed by the Roh Moo-hyun administration, recently met with a candidate for Justice Minister Park Bum-gye and wrote, “It is not the prosecution reform that interferes with the investigation.”

Beomgye Park “Take time to listen to law”

As a result of the JoongAng Ilbo interview, attorney Song met with a meal at the request of candidate Park on the 15th. Attorney Song said at this meeting, “It is not reform that keeps you from constantly investigating. “Why do you keep doing different things while you are doing various reforms?” Song said that he emphasized the practice of consultation between the minister and the president regarding the prosecutor’s personnel, which was the spark of a conflict between Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.

Song Kwang-soo attorney as the prosecutor general in 2004.  Central photo

Song Kwang-soo attorney as the prosecutor general in 2004. Central photo

Earlier, Candidate Park went to the office of the personnel hearing preparation group prepared at the Seoul High Prosecutors’ Office in the morning of that day, meeting with reporters, “President Song Kwang-soo, who served as the first prosecutor general of the participating government (Roh Moo-hyun government), and two groups of young lawyers, and Min Byeon (lawyer for democratic society). I had a time to listen to’beopsim’ from the meeting.”

In this regard, candidate Park’s personnel hearing preparation group said, “On January 15-20, Candidate Park met with President Song and young attorneys with various backgrounds who have been leading human rights protection and reform of the judicial system. , Former prosecutors, attorneys for a democratic society (Minbyun), the director of the Judicial Center, the Judicial Prosecutors’ Reform Committee, etc., met 4 or fewer in the office of the preparatory group for hearings.”

“I didn’t meet to talk about memories.”

Candidate Park said, “(Attorney Song) told former President Roh Moo-hyun (March 2003) that he deeply apologized for the rudeness of junior prosecutors in a conversation with prosecutors.” During’Conversation with Prosecutors’, Candidate Park was the Second Secretary of Civil Affairs at the Blue House, and he was present with President Moon Jae-in, who was then chief civilian administration.

Candidate Park Beom-gye, Minister of Justice, is coming to the office of the personnel hearing preparation group in the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 21st.  News 1

Candidate Park Beom-gye, Minister of Justice, is coming to the office of the personnel hearing preparation group in the Seoul High Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 21st. News 1

Regarding this, lawyer Song said in a phone call with the JoongAng Ilbo that day, “It was a story that was brought up by talking about memories of Roh at the beginning of the conversation, but we did not meet each other to say that.” However, when asking for specific requests and advice, “I have nothing more to say. Don’t listen to me for details.”

According to the personnel hearing preparation group, attorney Song said, “We should avoid a culture where only prosecutors mingle with each other, and emphasize the need for dialogue between the Ministry of Justice and the Great Swordsmanship, and that we should strive to coexist with various members of society.”

Attorney Song was nominated for the first time in 2003 after Roh’s remarks that he “does not trust the prosecution’s leadership” and was appointed as a successor after the then-prosecutor General Kim Gak-young resigned. Attorney Song also had a conflict with former Justice Minister Kang Geum-sil during his tenure over the prosecution’s personnel and the direction of prosecution reform. However, attorney Song remained in place after former Minister Kang resigned in July 2004 and resigned after completing his two-year term.

On June 26, 2003, Justice Minister Kang Geum-sil and Prosecutor General Song Kwang-soo met at the National Prosecutors' Meeting held at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-dong, Seoul.  On this day, Minister Kang insisted on continuing reforms by the prosecution, while Song emphasized strict law enforcement.  Central photo

On June 26, 2003, Justice Minister Kang Geum-sil and Prosecutor General Song Kwang-soo met at the National Prosecutors’ Meeting held at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-dong, Seoul. On this day, Minister Kang insisted on continuing reforms by the prosecution, while Song emphasized strict law enforcement. Central photo

During his presidency, attorney Song also arrested former Chungnam Governor Ahn Hee-jeong and former chairman of Changshin Textile, Kang Geum-won, who had been called the key realities of passports through an investigation of presidential funding. Candidate Park evaluated the investigation as “a breakthrough that guaranteed the political neutrality of the investigation of the true prosecution” in his autobiography “Choice of My Life” published in January 2008.

On December 16 last year, attorney Song said about the two-month disciplinary action against Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, saying, “There is too much concern that it will be the beginning of a threat to the democracy and rule of law that the Korean people have built up, so it should be stopped.” He was even listed on the list of nine former prosecutors generals who had made a difference.

Reporter Ha Jun-ho [email protected]
