[단독]”Shin Hyun-soo shocked at the end of Park Bum-gye,’I’m not standing on our side,’

On the 19th, his acquaintances reported on the 19th that Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive of the Blue House, who left on vacation from the 18th after expressing his gratitude for conflict with the Justice Minister Park Beom-gye over high-ranking prosecutors, is staying in a rural area, not his home in Yongsan, Seoul. The Blue House did not explain whether it was in contact with Chief Shin or the internal atmosphere.

Even on vacation, Shin said he is giving short words to his acquaintances, saying, “It’s hard” and “My decision won’t change.” In this regard, a passport person close to Chief Shin said to the JoongAng Ilbo, “I know that the reason I went to the Blue House on the 18th was to organize my personal affairs,” and “Yoo Young-min, president of the presidential secretary, persuaded him, but he did not give up his appreciation. I heard that I asked for a reconsideration with the intention of’I will take it as a vacation, so please think deeply.’

Chief Shin is scheduled to reveal his stance on Geochwi on the 22nd, when he returns from his vacation, and in the meantime, there is a possibility that the Blue House and Minister Park will be working under water.

The direct trigger that Chief Shin expressed his appreciation was the public prosecutor’s greeting that Park had ruled out himself and announced it at the approval of President Moon Jae-in. However, according to a passport official close to Chief Shin, the remarks made by Secretary Park during the personnel consultation process severely hurt Shin and had an effect on solidifying his gratitude.

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye (left) and Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, are talking at the general meeting of the Legislative Judicial Committee held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th.  Yonhap News·News 1

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye (left) and Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, are talking at the general meeting of the Legislative Judicial Committee held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th. Yonhap News·News 1

A passport official told the JoongAng Ilbo that day, “In the process of personnel consultations, when there were disagreements on the situation of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office, Lee Seong-yoon, etc., Minister Park pushed up chief Shin with the intention of’Why not on our side?’ “I know that Chief Shin was shocked.”

Minister Park did not specifically reveal the meaning of’our side’, but among the passport officials, “Including the pro-motherland, Chu Mi-ae group, etc. Isn’t it a concept?”
The JoongAng Ilbo contacted him to hear Park’s position, but it was not connected until the night of the 19th.

As a result, Secretary Park received appreciation from President Moon for the personnel plan that was not coordinated with Shin.

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol met at the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office on the 5th to exchange talks about prosecutors' personnel.  As President Yoon's request was not accepted, criticism has been raised as a formal meeting. [사진 법무부]

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol met at the Seoul High Prosecutors’ Office on the 5th to exchange talks about prosecutors’ personnel. As President Yoon’s request was not accepted, criticism has been raised as a formal meeting. [사진 법무부]

The question is whether President Moon recognized that it was not coordinated with Chief Shin at the time of Minister Park’s proposal, and the Blue House is questioning this, including how he requested the proposal.

On the 17th, a senior Blue House official said, “I will not tell you whether the president is aware of it. The process of coordinating (personnel) is up to the chief civil servant, and the President is asked not to discuss it,” he said, “it is not appropriate to disclose the decision-making process at the Blue House.”

There are also observations from the political and legal circles that “Because he is President Moon, who has experienced senior civil affairs and knows the prosecution’s personnel procedures, it is highly likely that he asked whether or not to coordinate with the chief office before re-approving the personnel plan.”

After meeting with reporters on the 18th, some of the things that Minister Park said, “Under the law, the (prosecution) personnel right is the president,”” (the prosecution’s mid-term officials who will be implemented soon), the schedule should also ask the president’s will. The media is interpreting, “Isn’t it indirectly revealed that it was President Moon’s will to pass Shin chief?”

If President Moon stayed home even though he knew that it was not coordinated, the excommunication could be even greater in that President Moon may be included in the’our side’ that Minister Park referred to.

Minister Park said he apologized directly before the Lunar New Year holidays after Shin expressed his gratitude. However, the acquaintances said, “I will never see or meet with Minister Park again,” said Shin.

President Moon Jae-in is wearing a mask at an invitational meeting of the Democratic Party leadership held in the Blue House main building on the morning of the 19th.  yunhap news

President Moon Jae-in is wearing a mask at an invitational meeting of the Democratic Party leadership held in the Blue House main building on the morning of the 19th. yunhap news

President Moon said he did not make any comments on Shin at the Blue House meeting with the leadership of the Democratic Party. The ruling party leadership also avoided mentioning. Cheong Wa Dae officials expressed their position, saying, “It seems that there is not a high likelihood of returning to Chief Shin.” On the other hand, some opinions say, “Before the situation is prolonged, it is necessary to quickly clear up the rise of Chief Shin who is burdening the government.”

President Moon and President Yoon at the 6th Fair Society Anti-Corruption Policy Conference held at the Blue House on June 22 last year.

President Moon and President Yoon at the 6th Fair Society Anti-Corruption Policy Conference held at the Blue House on June 22 last year.

In this regard, a member of the Blue House said, “After General Yoon Seok-yeol, the former prosecutor is most concerned about the situation in which Chief Shin is emerging as a hero of the Banmun camp.” “Some people are one-on-one with President Yoon and President Moon, who represent the prosecution again. There is also an opinion that the situation should be prevented from forming a composition.”

Reporter Kang Tae-hwa [email protected]
