[단독]Shin Hyun-soo returns to persuasion, “It’s not that I withdrew my death”

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, said on the 23rd that he returned to work after making a request to “don’t say,’You have withdrawn your death’ even if you return.”

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the presidential secretary's office, is attending a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the 22nd.  He returned to the Blue House, but the Blue House

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the presidential secretary’s office, is attending a meeting of chief and advisors held at the Blue House on the 22nd. He returned to the Blue House, but the Blue House did not come up with a clear position, such as “Shief Shin withdrew his appreciation.” yunhap news

In a call with the JoongAng Ilbo that day, this person said, “Last weekend, the main personnel of the Blue House and passport were fully operational, and the task was to persuade Chief Shin.” “The Blue House demanded’withdrawal of death’, but Chief Shin bends to the end. I didn’t.” He said, “The reason why Shin’s return to the Blue House even though he did not intend to withdraw his death must be because he agreed that his resignation could hurt President Moon Jae-in ahead of the April election, even if he was hurt.” He added.

On the same day, the key figure of the passport also said in this journal, “If you look at Shin’s persuasion process, there was a big change in airflow starting on Sunday (21st), the last day of the vacation.” He said, “At first, I asked Chief Shin to’withdraw my death and return’, but Chief Shin did not bend over, and after that, even if I did not withdraw my appreciation, I changed the direction to’go away and return to my hometown’. I know that.” Another passport official also said, “Even if he eventually leaves the Blue House, Shin agrees with the persuasion that the damage to the regime level can be reduced, rather than the way that President Shin goes out with a protest, but the appearance of President Moon’s hardship against him. I heard that there is a side.”

In fact, a high-ranking passport official said that “there is still a long night” on the afternoon of the 21st, the day before Shin’s return. Until that point, he confessed that he had not succeeded in persuading Chief Shin. Initially, the Blue House was scheduled to reveal Shin’s move on the morning of the 22nd, but even this was eventually postponed to the afternoon.

And a high-ranking Blue House official revealed on the 22nd that he was returning, and repeated the words “it has been shortened” several times, but until the end, “Shief Shin withdrew his appreciation” or “President Moon rejected his resignation.” Did not write. Despite repeated questions from reporters, he continued to avoid answering the question of’withdrawal of death’. It means that he indirectly admitted that Shin’s return without breaking his gratitude, but an acquaintance who knows him well said, “Does not the word that he took over the residence does not mean that he continues to maintain his gratitude.”

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive of the presidential secretary's office, is waiting for the start by attending a senior and aide meeting held at the Blue House Women's Hall on the afternoon of the 22nd.  Blue House Photo Reporters

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive of the presidential secretary’s office, is waiting for the start by attending a senior and aide meeting held at the Blue House Women’s Hall on the afternoon of the 22nd. Blue House Photo Reporters

Because of these circumstances, there are many observations inside the passport that “Shief Shin is likely to be replaced immediately after re-election in April.”

An official from the Democratic Party said, “Can Chief Shin, who has been forced to return from the state of his apology, can properly play a role as Chief Civil Engineer?” “The person who replaces after the election, whether for the Blue House business or for the honor of Shin himself This is a commonsense perspective.”

Some people around President Moon also said, “President Moon’s return to Chief Shin would mean that he would maintain the Shin Chief System, but if the conflict with the prosecutors amplified or the situation close to protest recurs, Chief Shin could be stiff There is a view close to the’conditional confidence theory’ flows.

On the 22nd, a senior Blue House official, who announced that Shin’s return to work, said, “There is time left for the President to decide. I can’t say what decision to make and when,” he said, leaving the possibility of President Moon resigning over time.

Personnel who have been assisting President Moon for a long time since the Roh Moo-hyun administration argue that when President Shin initially expressed his gratitude, he must pay attention to the process of actually accepting his gratitude, saying, “Let’s find a replacement,” and then returning to Manyu.

A person who is classified as a close friend of President Moon said in this journal, “I remember President Moon’s position as the secretary’s chief when a member of the State Council said,’If my arguments are not met, I will withdraw’. “President Moon has the principle of responding relentlessly to the light attitude of taking office and carrying out his will,” he said. He said, “I assume that Shin accepted his gratitude when he took up his position and protested on a matter that has already been decided, but later recognized the problem in the prosecution’s personnel procedures and turned to deferring his gratitude.”

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye (left) and Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, are talking at the general meeting of the Legislative Judicial Committee held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th.  Yonhap News·News 1

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye (left) and Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, are talking at the general meeting of the Legislative Judicial Committee held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th. Yonhap News·News 1

In fact, it is said that President Moon rebuked Minister Park after confirming the fact that Justice Minister Park Bum-gye had requested personnel review without consulting with Chief Shin.

However, the Blue House is still worried about the specific document approval time and process of going home. In the passport, there is an observation that “when Minister Park faced the opposition of Chief Shin, he would have asked President Moon to read it orally through the phone.” It is possible that official procedures, such as electronic payment, have occurred after the announcement.

However, the Blue House said, “I know that the payment process has been completed, but it is difficult to confirm when the payment was made on the 7th before and after the personnel announcement.”

Reporter Kang Tae-hwa [email protected]
