[단독]”Parking and stopping civil complaints are difficult” photographed on CCTV invested by public officials in their 30s

At 7 am on the 6th, when the temperature dropped to -12 degrees Celsius, a public official from Gangdong-gu Office at Gwangjingyo, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, has transferred to the Han River and a search is underway. Mr. A was in charge of responding to complaints about parking and stopping at the ward office, and it was investigated that he recently complained that “it is difficult due to civil complaints”.

Ice is frozen in the Han River near Gwangjin Bridge in Seoul on the 6th, when a cold wave warning was issued throughout Seoul due to a cold wave coming from the North Pole.  News 1

Ice is frozen in the Han River near Gwangjin Bridge in Seoul on the 6th, when a cold wave warning was issued throughout Seoul due to a cold wave coming from the North Pole. News 1

“Complaint is difficult” Toro… CCTV footage

According to Gangdong-gu and the fire station on the 12th, when A did not go to work on the morning of the 6th, the ward office contacted A’s family. At around 11 a.m. that day, when Mr. A didn’t answer the phone, his mother called 119 to report that his son was missing. Afterwards, it is said that the Seoul Gwangjin Police Station confirmed the transmission scene on CC (closed circuit) TV near Gwangjin Bridge, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, where Mr. A’s mobile phone location was disconnected through a base station inquiry.

According to the fire department, Mr. A did not leave any traces that could be presumed by a will, such as a cell phone or a memo, and recently said to his family that it is difficult to file a complaint. Mr. A did not go to work on the 5th due to a leave due to on-call, and from the 6th, he had to respond to complaints again.

Han River freezes due to cold waves, delayed search

The whereabouts of Mr. A, who chose to submit at the time of work, has not been identified, so he is still missing. An official from the Seoul 119 Special Rescue Team’s Rescue Team said, “The river was frozen due to the cold wave last week, so it is impossible to search right away.”

Firefighters and rescuers working on a search in the Han River near the Yeongdong Bridge in Seoul in March last year.  News 1

Firefighters and rescuers working on a search in the Han River near the Yeongdong Bridge in Seoul in March last year. News 1

Mr. A’s coworker said, “There are a lot of complaints against illegal parking and stopping fines. It is a difficult department. However, as the recent Corona 19 overlapped, the complaints became more harsh.” “There are many economically difficult people with Corona 19, but civil servants reflecting the perception that they work comfortably. I think I made it difficult for Mr. A.”

“After Corona 19, the last minute complaints intensify”

In addition, Mr. A’s colleague said, “I often hear criticisms or swear words from visiting civilians as well as on the phone.” Even though the illegal parking and stopping crackdown was minimized due to Corona 19, complaints such as’Why did I crack down when I parked another car?’ There are many.” The department where Mr. A worked is said to be the first person to find the responder when a civil petitioner visits.

Seoul Gangdong-gu Office. [사진 강동구]

Seoul Gangdong-gu Office. [사진 강동구]

An official from Gangdong-gu said, “(Mr. A) had a good interpersonal relationship in the workplace, but no one knew it was difficult because of work. I think I was sick alone.” He said, “It is a structure where we have no choice but to respond unconditionally when a complaint comes to us or when a phone call is made to the department through the 120 Dasan Call Center. It is realistically difficult to accuse or ignore the residents of the ward even if they hear abusive language.”

Increased malicious complaints… “You have to come up with a measure”

According to the Civil Service Innovation Division of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the number of malicious complaints compiled by central administrative agencies and local governments increased from a total of 34,443 in 2018 to 3,8054 in 2019. Kim Soon-yang, a professor in the Department of Public Administration at Yeungnam University, said, “The trend is that the private sector ignores and treats public officials. In particular, it is more severe for lower-level public officials who are younger, he pointed out, “In addition to raising citizenship awareness, local governments should also take measures.” He added, “It is also worth considering how to entrust business such as illegal parking control to private companies like the United States.”

Reporter Jeong Jin-ho [email protected]

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