[단독]”Operation rights were transferred within the term of the government, but the year of conversion was confirmed.”

The government changed the core goal of converting the wartime operational control (option). Multiple government sources said on the 24th that the government is in discussions with the United States focusing on “determining the year of conversion this year” by changing the original goal of “transition of opposition within the term of President Moon Jae-in (May next year)”.

Originally, the term of office of President Wen was converted until next May.
Set the transition year and aim for the next regime invariant
Transition within term of office, difficult situation in time

The ROK-U.S. military authorities tried to proceed with the FOC verification evaluation, which is the second stage of the three stages of military capability verification evaluation for the formation of the future CFC, but the verification evaluation was delayed as the combined training was canceled in the aftermath of Corona 19.  The photo shows Korean-US soldiers conducting joint training in the first half on March 30, 2015. [AP=연합뉴스]

The ROK-U.S. military authorities tried to proceed with the FOC verification evaluation, which is the second stage of the three stages of military capability verification evaluation for the formation of the future CFC, but the verification evaluation was delayed as the combined training was canceled in the aftermath of Corona 19. The photo shows Korean-US soldiers conducting joint training in the first half on March 30, 2015. [AP=연합뉴스]

Prior to the transition of OPCON, the ROK-US military authorities are undergoing a three-step verification to evaluate whether the ROK military has the ability to exercise OPCON. Accordingly, the first phase (basic operational capabilityㆍIOC) verification was completed in 2019, and the second phase (complete operational capabilityㆍFOC) was planned to be completed last year. However, the second stage verification has been postponed to this year as the joint training could not be held properly due to the aftermath of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

One source familiar with the OPCON transition plan said, “To complete the transition within the term of President Moon Jae-in (May next year), both phases 2 and 3 (full mission capability, FMC) must be completed this year. The verification cannot be done in the same year,” he said. “So, even after completing the second stage of verification this year, the transition within the term of office is impossible.” Due to these circumstances, the government changed the direction of negotiations with the US to’determine the transition year’ this year. This time, it is interpreted as a plan to nail the year of OPCON transition to prevent the next government from changing the transition plan.
One source said, “Unlike the Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye administrations that delayed or abolished the turnover in 2012 set by the Roh Moo-hyun administration, the government’s intention is to ensure that no matter what regime enters, the roadmap agreed upon by the ROK-US is not changed. In order to save power, we plan to finalize the transition year with the United States after completing only the second stage of verification.”

The specific transition year is set by the 53rd Korea-US Security Council (SCM) scheduled to be held this fall in Seoul. Another source who is bright in the practice between the ROK and US authorities said, “It is correct to complete the second phase verification by this summer at the latest in the process, and evaluate the ROK-US together and set the transition year in SCM.” “If the transition year is determined in consideration of supplementary matters, the final evaluation, the three-stage verification, is scheduled to be carried out in the year just before the transition,” he explained.

The 52nd ROK-US Security Council (SCM) was held at the Defense Ministry near Washington, DC on October 14 last year (local time) with the attendance of Defense Minister Seo Wook (second from left) and US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper (right). .  On this day, Minister Seo said,

The 52nd ROK-US Security Council (SCM) was held at the Defense Ministry near Washington, DC on October 14 last year (local time) with the attendance of Defense Minister Seo Wook (second from left) and US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper (right). . On this day, Minister Seo said, “We will work together to prepare the ROK-led combined defense system by preparing conditions for the transition of OPCON early.” On the other hand, Minister Esper said, “It will take time to convert the OPCON to meet all conditions.” [연합뉴스]

Therefore, passing the second stage verification this year is the key to confirming the transition year within the Moon Jae-in administration’s term. However, the trend of Corona 19 and the judgment of the new US administration by Joe Biden remain variables.

Currently, the ROK-US military authorities are not able to confirm the schedule of combined training for the first half of the year with two-step verification due to the re-proliferation of Corona 19 in the metropolitan area. The military authorities are coordinating with the U.S. military over a plan to open joint exercises for phase 2 verification from March 8 to 18.

The USFK has begun vaccination against Corona 19, but the ROK military has only planned vaccinations, so whether or not the ROK-US joint exercises remain variable. If the combined training is delayed to the second half of the year (August-September), it is difficult to report the evaluation of the second stage verification to the SCM. In this regard, a military official said, “Even if the training scale is reduced due to the quarantine problem, the plan to proceed with the second stage verification within this year will not change.”

It is unclear what position the US Biden administration will maintain on the OPCON transition. This is because unlike the Trump administration, which publicly discussed even the reduction of US troops in Korea, the Biden administration emphasizes the traditional military role of the United States. A former high-ranking official who had negotiated the ROK-US OPCON transition for several years at the time of the Barack Obama administration said, “President Biden and his staff are well-rounded people.” We will look closer,” he predicted.

There are also observations that the transition of the wartime wartime control right with the inauguration of the Joe Biden administration may face difficulties.  The photo shows a press conference by Lloyd Austin, a reservist, who was appointed as the new US Secretary of Defense on the 9th of last month.  On the right is President Biden and on the left is Vice President Kamala Harris. [AFP=연합뉴스]

There are also observations that the transition of the wartime warfare control right with the inauguration of the Joe Biden administration may face difficulties. The photo shows a press conference by Lloyd Austin, a reservist, who was appointed as the new US Secretary of Defense on the 9th of last month. On the right is President Biden, and on the left is Vice President Kamala Harris. [AFP=연합뉴스]

During the Park Geun-hye administration, the opposition transition agreed by the two countries in 2014 consists of three conditions: ① securing core military capabilities of the ROK military, securing capabilities to respond to North Korean nuclear and missile threats, and satisfying a stable Korean Peninsula and regional security environment consistent with the transition of opposition rights. It is also a matter of how the Biden administration officials interpret this.

A former government official who wanted anonymity pointed out that “the ultimate means of dealing with North Korea’s nuclear weapons in particular is the US nuclear umbrella for now, but the US has doubts whether nuclear deterrence will be possible if the situation comes with a four-star general commanding the CFC.” did. He said, “The military should be faithful to military judgment, it is difficult to’assault forward’ to the goal set by the political power.”

Reporters Cheoljae Lee and Sangjin Kim [email protected]
