[단독]”My two-year-old son abuses his whole body”… daycare centers “lie”

A group A (3) mother found'spot bleeding' in her son's ear on September 16 last year.  Group A mother

A group A (3) mother found’spot bleeding’ in her son’s ear on September 16 last year. Group A’s mother claims that it was “a sign of abuse by someone pulling her son’s face and ears at a daycare center or physically oppressing her” [사진 A군 어머니]

Parents “After taking off clothes, I hurt all over my body”

The police investigated allegations of child abuse at a daycare center in Jeonju, North Jeolla Province. However, as the daycare center confronts “the allegation of child abuse is false,” it is spreading to the truth of both sides.

Controversy over abuse of daycare centers in Jeonju, Jeonbuk
Police “receive the complaint and start an investigation…investigation”

According to the Jeonju Wansan Police Station on the 17th, the mother of Army A (3) said on the 11th, “A nursery teacher B (female) was accused of damaging her son by exercising excessive physical force (violation of the Special Act on Penalty of Child Abuse Crime). There is,” he filed a complaint with the police. Group A’s mother also requested an investigation to the three family members of Mr. C, the chairman of the daycare center, saying, “I initiated child abuse activities such as shoving or yelling children, and assisting child care teachers in these activities.”

According to the petition, it was last July that the mother of Group A left her son at the daycare center. The suspicious thing happened two months later. On September 14, last year, the mother of group A found bleeding spots in her son’s ear. Bleeding spots are traces of blood that seep out of blood vessels on the skin or mucous membranes.

When Group A’s mother called the daycare center, the answer came back, saying, “It looks like a mosquito bite. The mother of group A is said to have passed it over at this time because her condition was not serious. However, two days later, on September 16th, anger exploded after seeing the appearance of Army A brought by her husband from the daycare center. The mother of group A said, “At the time, the child was lying on her husband’s back, and his head was drooping with sweat and became a super-carcass. When I took off his clothes and saw, there were wounds on his ears and all over his body.”

A wound that a group A (3) mother discovered on the back of her son Group A on September 16 last year.  Group A mother

A wound that a group A (3) mother discovered on the back of her son Group A on September 16 last year. Group A’s mother insisted, “It is not known whether the nursery teacher was injured when he took the medicine for the cold, but the wound on the child’s back is a fingernail mark.” [사진 A군 어머니]

“Child care center operator’s family assists abuse”

At the time, a closed-circuit TV (CCTV) video of a classroom that the daycare center showed to a group A mother showed a nursery teacher B holding a group A and feeding him a cold medicine. The cold medicine was a potion that the mother of Group A asked Mr. B to feed her son. In the video, Group A was struggling while crying that he would not take medicine, and another teacher was holding onto the leg of Group A.

According to Group A’s mother, at the time, B and the daycare center said, “I’m sorry,” but “I don’t know why Group A’s body had such a wound.” However, Group A’s mother claimed, “It is not known whether the wound was hurt when taking cold medicine, but the wound on the child’s back is a fingernail mark no matter what anyone sees.”

On the day of the incident, the mother of group A attached the doctor’s medical certificate and the body picture of group A to the petition as evidence of child abuse. At the time, the photos of Group A showed red or red spots on both ears, around the eyes, and on the back. As a result of the diagnosis, it was found that the superficiality of the auricle was damaged, peeling off, and abrasion. “Superficial damage and ecchymosis appearing to be caused by physical pressure on both auricles,” the doctor said.

At that time, the mother of Group A, who had stepped back due to an apology from the daycare center, decided to leave the school after seeing a photo of Group A’s ear that was taken and sent at the daycare center on November 20 last year. It is said that the ears of group A in the photo were red and swollen. A group’s mother said, “I quit the daycare center because I couldn’t stand it anymore, saying’I don’t know why’ at the daycare center.” Said.

Daycare center

A group photo released by the daycare center, claiming that there was no child abuse. Group A’s ear was taken by the daycare center the day after September 16 last year (September 17) when the mother of Group A claimed that “there was abuse at the daycare center.” The daycare center insists, “Would the bruises caused by being beaten disappear in a day?” [사진 어린이집]

Daycare center “arguments without evidence…legal response”

In response, the daycare center jumped and said, “There was no child abuse.” “If the results of this investigation come out, I will ask the mother of Army A for civil and criminal responsibility for defamation due to the spread of false information.” “More than 20 childcare teachers are taking care of each child carefully,” said the head of the daycare center C. “If they had used violence and abuse, the parents would have taken a problem immediately.” He said, “The reason I have endured the ridiculous arguments of group A mothers so far is because the image among parents is deteriorated and trust is lowered just by being mentioned as a daycare center with suspected child abuse.”

The daycare center also refuted the controversial September 16 incident. “When looking at the CCTV video in the classroom at the time, the teacher B was holding a group A in his arms and feeding him cold medicine, but there was no beating or pressure scene,” said “How does feeding medicine abuse children?”

Chairman C said, “Group A has white and weak skin. At the time, when teacher B took medicine for a cold, Group A cried and gave strength, so it seems that blood was standing and so-called’heat flowers’ spread out.” did. He said, “I took a picture the next day, and all the ten flowers disappeared.” Meanwhile, on September 17 of last year, the day after the incident, a photo of Group A was released at a daycare center. “There were no bloody traces or scars on both ears of Group A,” explained Chairman C.

President C said, “The mother of Group A who came to the daycare center also went back to see the CCTV, saying,’It seems that there was a misunderstanding,'” said the head of the nursery school, saying, “I was worried about Group A, so I texted the mother of Group A and called her “I couldn’t reach you.” The case was also addressed by the Daycare Parent Steering Committee held at the end of November last year, but the parents who watched the CCTV video cried out, saying,’I am sorry for the teacher (Mr. B) because the mother of group A was not abused. Told.

Daycare center

A group photo released by the daycare center, claiming that there was no child abuse. Group A’s ear was taken by the daycare center the day after September 16 last year (September 17) when the mother of Group A claimed that “there was abuse at the daycare center.” [사진 어린이집]

An official at the Jeonju Wansan Police Station said, “It is correct that we have received the complaint and initiated an investigation,” and said, “We need to investigate the exact facts and whether child abuse has occurred.”

Jeonju = Reporter Kim Junhee [email protected]
