[단독]Kim Jin-wook, head of the Airborne Division’s investigation, turns around and takes over by the Seoul Police Agency

Jin-wook Kim, Director of the Department of Public Transport.  yunhap news

Jin-wook Kim, Director of the Department of Public Transport. yunhap news

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s anti-corruption public crime investigation unit was in charge of the investigation of the suspicion of violation of the So-called So-called Kim Young-ran Act by Kim Jin-wook, the head of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Department. It was assigned to a front-line police station and then handed over to a higher level investigative agency.

An official at the Jongno Police Department in Seoul, who has been investigating the accusation case for the allegations of Deputy Kim, said on the 21st, “We have handed over the accusation to the Seoul Police Agency. Regarding the reason for the handover, he explained that “in the case of major incidents and cases that attract social attention in the process of adjusting the prosecution and police investigation rights, the investigation situation was reported to the local office and the guidelines were followed.”

He was accused by the prosecution and transferred to the police.

Initially, the case was filed with the prosecution. On the 18th of last month, the Speculative Capital Monitoring Center filed a complaint with the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office on charges of violating the law on the prohibition of illegal solicitation and receipt of money and other goods. He claimed that when Kim served at the Constitutional Court, he gained unfair market profits in the process of acquiring stocks of KOSDAQ listed companies. However, it was transferred to the Jongno Police Station because it did not fall within the scope of the crime when the prosecutor started the investigation under the new Prosecutors’ Office Act. Since then, civic groups have recently issued a letter of opinion to the police, asking the police to conduct an investigation by the speculative capital monitoring center.

The group said in an opinion statement, “Looking at the case of Vice Minister of Justice Lee Yong-gu, it is difficult for the frontline police station to conduct investigations such as summons investigations or seizure searches for high-ranking suspects.” “Dept. Kim is a high-ranking person appointed by the President. The investigation at the headquarters level should be carried out.”

Accusation Group “It is difficult to investigate the front line police station for senior personnel”

Yoon Young-dae, the head of the Speculative Capital Monitoring Center (second from the left), and members of the Seoul Jongno Police Station on the afternoon of the 17th attended the investigation of the accuser, including the violation of the solicitation prohibition law, the head of the Public Affairs Division, Kim Jin-wook, shouting slogans.  News 1

Yoon Young-dae, the head of the Speculative Capital Monitoring Center (second from the left), and members of the Seoul Jongno Police Station on the afternoon of the 17th attended the investigation of the accuser, including the violation of the solicitation prohibition law, the head of the Public Affairs Division, Kim Jin-wook, shouting slogans. News 1

On the 17th of this month as a bell, an official from the speculative capital monitoring center was called and investigated. At the time, the group held a press conference in front of Jong-ro and said, “The shares of Mikobiomed (approximately 93 million won) owned by Director Kim were acquired at a lower cost than the market price by participating in the paid-in capital increase of Nanobiosys while serving at the Constitutional Court in 2017. He claimed that “Department Director Kim earned a profit of about 4.76 million won.” “This act violates Article 8 of the Act on the Prohibition of Unfair solicitation and receipt of money or other money, etc., which prohibits the same person from receiving money or gifts exceeding 3 million won per year.” If so, it is a violation of the Capital Markets Act.”

Director Kim’s side, “It is not true that the alleged violation of the Kim Young-ran Act”

Jin-wook Kim, the first chief of public transport, attended the personnel hearing on the 19th of last month (the then candidate).  Newsis

Jin-wook Kim, the first chief of public transport, attended the personnel hearing on the 19th of last month (the then candidate). Newsis

At a hearing on the 19th of last month, Deputy Minister Kim explained the alleged violation of the Kim Young-ran Act and Capital Market Act. Kim Seong-woo, CEO of Miko Biomed, who attended the hearing at the time as a reference, said, “If a capital increase is made, the number of shares increases and there is a risk that the stock price may fall. Therefore, the Commercial Act makes it possible to sell 10% cheaper.” “It was applied to other participants of the capital increase. It is a benefit and did not provide undisclosed information prior to the capital increase.”

When he studied abroad at Harvard Law School in the United States in 2001-2002, Director Kim made a friendship with President Kim, who was a research professor at the same school’s medical school. Fifteen years later, when the company suffered from a financial crisis, President Kim requested an investment from Director Kim and others, and Kim said he accepted it.

Investigating Nam In-soon also goes around and the Seoul Metropolitan Government takes over

In-soon Nam, a member of the Democratic Party.  News 1

In-soon Nam, a member of the Democratic Party. News 1

Major cases have been transferred after the reconciliation of prosecutors and police officers. Along with the investigation of Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Young-soon and former Korean Women’s Association permanent representative, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, together with Nam In-soon, accused of defaming the victim’s reputation by leaking the contents of the late Mayor Park Won-soon’s sexual harassment accusation. done. This is the case that the bar exam preparation group requested an investigation to the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office on the 1st of last month.

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office turned the case over to the Seoul Northern District Prosecutors’ Office, which investigated the alleged leak of the former Mayor Park’s lawsuit, and was transferred to the Seoul Southern District District Prosecutor’s Office and turned into an accusation case. The Southern District Prosecutor’s Office was transferred to the Yeongdeungpo Police Station in Seoul, which has jurisdiction over the suspect’s residence and crime site in accordance with the adjustment of the prosecutor’s right to investigate, but the Seoul Metropolitan Government took over at the end of last month. On the 1st of this month, the Seoul Metropolitan Government allocated the case to the anti-corruption public criminal investigation team. A police official said, “Recently, local government-centered responsibility investigations are increasingly being conducted for in-depth investigations on celebrities and major social figures.”

Reporter Kim Ji-hye [email protected]
