[단독]Jeong Jin-seok “Let’s build a bird’s nest”… The first proposal to integrate Dangdaedang to Ahn Cheol-soo

On the 10th, Rep. Jeong Jin-seok, chairman of the People’s Strength Nomination Committee for the 4·7 re-election, said on the 10th, “The power of the people and the People’s Party should complete the theory of integration in the middle by opening a new nest by holding an integrated convention.”
It is argued that the president of the National Assembly Party Ahn Chul-soo will participate in the contest after establishing a unified party amid the consensus of supporters of both parties. Chairman Chung explained that this initiative, which is called the’central consolidation theory’, is intended to simultaneously enjoy the effect of unifying the candidates for the mayor of Seoul and expanding the middle ground.

An’s “I don’t know if it’s the best”

Chairman Chung said in a phone call with the JoongAng Ilbo that day, “Only Ahn’s decision to join the club remains. This is also a resolution for unity and unity,” he argued, saying, “It can be a home for those who want to do new politics only when a new nest is established.”

Chung Jin-seok, chairman of the Nomination Management Committee for the Power of the People, is attending the second meeting of the 4.7 By-election Nomination Management Committee held at the Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul on the afternoon of the 5th.  Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Chung Jin-seok, chairman of the Nomination Management Committee for the Power of the People, is attending the second meeting of the 4.7 By-election Nomination Management Committee held at the Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul on the afternoon of the 5th. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Will CEO Ahn join?
“For the people’s command to unite and win, each child must abandon.”

The way of inclusion is the problem.
“Can you join without the premise of a consolidation and consolidation? I need to make a new nest.”

“The power of the people and the National Party are launching a new nest through the unified national convention.”

Chairman Chung said, “The completion of the theory of integration in the middle is possible through’the leadership of the Byeongdae Chairman Kim Jong-in’.” “If I integrate, I may withdraw. If CEO Ahn says,’Chairman Jeong Jin-seok is not neutral (not neutral),’ he is willing to resign.”

At the same time, Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who is the leader in the approval rating of the next presidential election runner, also mentioned. Chairman Chung said, “When looking at the presidential election in March next year, where is there a better place than the nest of midway integration? General Yun can also choose this nest after coming down from his seat without having to wander in the wilderness.I emphasized. This means that the ‘central integration nesting theory’ is aimed not only for the mayor of Seoul, but also for the next presidential election.

Ahn Cheol-soo, head of the National Assembly Party, meets Kim Dong-gil, professor emeritus of Yonsei University on the 9th, and is taking a commemorative photo after receiving a photo frame from former US President Abraham Lincoln. [안철수 대표 페이스북]

Ahn Cheol-soo, head of the National Assembly Party, meets Kim Dong-gil, professor emeritus of Yonsei University on the 9th, and is taking a commemorative photo after receiving a photo frame from former US President Abraham Lincoln. [안철수 대표 페이스북]

On the other hand, Representative Ahn agrees with the necessity of unifying the opposition but has a relatively relaxed atmosphere. Representative Ahn said in an interview with the media that day, “It is not right to ask you to join a party without a position right now. I’m not sure if that’s the best way.” It is read as a means of seeking a unification plan through solidarity while remaining outside the power of the people.

We are also cautious about the’unification after pre-integration’ model proposed by Chairman Chung. An official from the People’s Party said, “It makes no sense for Ahn alone to join the people’s strength, and if they are united, a reasonable discussion between the two parties must precede.” In terms of time, it is unlikely that the party will be worth in January. In addition, I am concerned that such a combination may erode the’waypoint’.I said. In this regard, CEO Ahn revealed his willingness to finish the race, saying, “The time to cut the rotten tree is approaching,” revealing that he met with Yonsei University Emeritus Professor Kim Dong-gil, who criticized his voluntary resignation of the 2012 presidential candidate.

The discussion on unification is in line with the contest schedule, and the people’s power is considering a plan to exempt runners outside the party from the primary contest. It is because it is difficult for Ahn and others to join before the registration of the candidate for the contest on the 18th. Currently, the current competition schedule is a schedule in which four candidates for the 1st preliminary contest are announced on the 28th after receiving documents (18-21 days) and screening (22-27 days). The main contest (100% poll) is held in February.

Representative Ahn is scheduled to meet with former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon on the 12th. Mayor Oh said on the 17th, “If Representative Ahn joins, he will not run.”
Reporter Hyun Il-hoon [email protected]
