[단독]Female teacher sexually harassed by a student… Report the principal saying “Clothes is a problem”

A teacher in her twenties who alleges that she had been sexually harassed by her students covered up her sexual harassment case and reported the school principal and vice-principal to the Sexual Violence Reporting Center of the Office of Education for secondary harassment. The office of education in charge will transfer the case and handle it according to the procedure.

Blue House National Petition bulletin board capture.

Blue House National Petition bulletin board capture.

On the 2nd, a petition titled “Student> teacher sexual harassment and punish the school administrator for the second offense was posted on the Blue House National Petition bulletin board.

The person who wrote the petition was Mr. A (27), who has been working as a middle school teacher in Gyeonggi Province since 2019. The following is a summary of Mr. A’s testimony, the contents of his petition, and the words of student D, whom Mr. A taught.

Teacher A's KakaoTalk conversation with student D.  Provided by Mr. A

Teacher A’s KakaoTalk conversation with student D. Provided by Mr. A

  Teacher A's KakaoTalk conversation with student D.  Provided by Mr. A

Teacher A’s KakaoTalk conversation with student D. Provided by Mr. A

In September 2019, Mr. A (27), who was working as a teacher at a middle school in Gyeonggi Province, asked an unexpected question from his student. Boy student B said, “Teacher, who do you live with? Oh, when I imagined, I got a nosebleed” and laughed. Mr. A got angry on the spot and asked for an apology, but sexual harassment by students continued.

When I reported sexual harassment, I said, “Be patient… getting dressed is a problem.”

When Mr. A, the youngest female teacher in school, was away, students often talked about Mr. A’s appearance.

Soon, another male student, Group C, said in front of A. “The teacher has a pretty body and a heart…. a pretty heart~ Why are you laughing? Did you imagine?” When Group C’s words were over, the girls were uncomfortable, and the boys laughed. Mr. A got angry, but his laughter didn’t go away.

It was the school’s actions that bothered Mr. A even more. In relation to the sexual harassment case, Mr. A requested that the school administrator (principal, vice-principal) open the’School Rights Protection Committee (hereinafter Kyobo Committee)’. Students who witnessed the sexual harassment situation also received a statement of fact and sent it to school.

A post posted by Mr. A to the teacher community.  Provided by Mr. A.

A post posted by Mr. A to the teacher community. Provided by Mr. A.

A post posted by Mr. A to the teacher community.  Provided by Mr. A.

A post posted by Mr. A to the teacher community. Provided by Mr. A.

However, the principal persuaded Mr. A, “Don’t make things big, the teacher should know how to bear with them.” The principal called Mr. A, who was on duty, to the principal’s office three times and pressed him not to open the Kyobo Committee. In the process of persuasion, he said, “It’s because it’s pretty,” “It’s a problem to wear clothes that way, don’t wear jeans.”

Mr. A has since been criticized by the principal regarding his dress. Around October 2019, on the day of class wearing short sleeves with loose arms, Mr. A was called to the principal’s office. The principal said, “The parents called me saying that the short sleeves were loose so I could see the bra inside.” He said he could see what he was wearing. Is it a blue bra?”

Mr. A said, “The parent who called the school with the color of my bra, the principal who insulted me by telling me about it, or the two sinners made sexual harassment comments.” “Since then, they cover themselves more so that their clothes are not damaged, I came to wear only thick clothes. I didn’t even make up.”

Diagnosis of depression… “I’m scared to see the children gathered”

Since then, school life has become a hellish life for Mr. A. Mr. A said, “It became a terrible trauma to see the students, and even seeing the students gathered, my heart pounded,” said Mr. A. “It was painful to continue attending schools that did not help, tolerant, and secondary abusers. I was sleeping. I went to a psychiatrist during winter vacation, received counseling, was diagnosed with depression, and took medicine.”

In order not to look feminine, Mr. A cut his long hair in single hair. Even after the year turned into 2020, the second offense by the principal continued. Mr. A said, “During the 2020 semester, while the principal told me the current situation, he made another insulting remark, saying,’Last year (due to the sexual harassment incident) crying was refreshing, it was like the freshness of a new teacher. It was really goosebumps.”

Cheong Wa Dae petition… “I want to receive a public apology from the principal and vice principal”

Mr. A said in a national petition written on the 2nd, “In February of this year, the principal, who was the manager who concealed the sexual harassment case, is about to retire from retirement.” You will receive it,” he said in anguish. Mr. A also demanded, “I would like to receive public apology from the vice principal and the principal, the managers who concealed the sexual harassment case.”

Currently, Mr. A has filed a complaint with the Office of Education on the matter and is waiting for the result.

Gyeonggi-do Office of Education’s adult rights department explained, “There is a fact that the report has been received, and a complaint came in yesterday, and it was immediately transferred to the regional office of education,” and said, “The local office of education will handle the case according to procedures.”

Regarding the issue that the school refused to hold the Kyobo Committee in 2019, an official from the Gyeonggi Office of Education said, “It is possible to reopen the Kyobo Committee even now.” If it turns out to be done, we will take corresponding action.”

Vice-Principal “I know that the sexual harassment case has been resolved”

Regarding the matter, the principal tried to contact us several times, but the phone could not be reached.

The vice-principal said, “I remember the fact that Teacher A asked for a sexual harassment case to open the Kyobo Committee,” he said. “I know it was resolved, and I can’t remember how the Kyobo Committee was closed at the time. Students guide through the leadership department. I remember that I did it.”

Mr. A said in the end, “Every group has a relative weak, but I hope that it will be a healthy society where the human rights of all members are respected.”

Reporter Shin Hyeyeon [email protected]
