[단독]’Bunch’ Season 2 is’Combine to shoot’… Change the sport to basketball and shoot in January – SPOTVNEWS

▲ It is cold only when it comes together. ProvisionㅣJTBC

[스포티비뉴스=강효진 기자] JTBC’s’Combine to Cold’ changes the sport and returns to Season 2. The title of Season 2 is’Combine to shoot’.

According to an interview with Spotify News on the 23rd, JTBC’s entertainment program’Combine to Chill’ will soon finish Season 1 and start producing Season 2. The new season is expected to change the sport and become a ‘Combine to shoot’ challenging basketball rather than soccer.

The production crew is organizing a new cast for the basketball sport with the aim of shooting in January. It is said that the seasonal factor of winter was a big factor behind the change of the sport. Outdoor soccer games in cold weather are highly likely to cause injury, and filming is also difficult.

The end of season 1 of’Combine Together’ was announced on the 19th with the news of the return of member Jung Hyung-don, who had a break due to suspension of activities. Jung Hyung-don is planning to decorate the finale by joining the last recording of season 1 of’Combine to Chill’ at the same time as broadcasting activities resume.

Started in June of last year, ‘Come Together’ is a story of the growth of sports legends that will share the moment of burning lust, failures and frustrations, and valuable victories until the top Korean sports players are reborn as early football legends through confrontation with national football masters. . It steadily recorded ratings in the 5-6% range and was loved by viewers.

Sportiv News = Reporter Kang Hyo-jin [email protected]

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