[단독] Treatment of fatal brain tumors with laxatives

In glioblastoma cells,’Imodium’, which promotes cellular autophagy, is marked in orange (in the area of ​​the arrow). (Photo = Goethe-Frankfurt University, Germany)

[헬스코리아뉴스 / 서정필] Commonly prescribed diarrhea drugs are the most difficult to treat brain tumors.glioblastoma) The mechanisms leading to cell death have been identified. The key is to induce autophagy by stressing the endoplasmic reticulum, which is responsible for protein synthesis, and it is highly likely to be applied not only to glioblastoma but also to other neurological diseases such as dementia with a similar mechanism. have.

A research team at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, recently discovered the principle that the governor drug’Imodium’ (ingredient name loperamide) kills tumor cells in glioblastoma patients. Two years ago, the research team discovered that glioblastoma tumor cells were killed when Imodium was administered. Through this study, the mechanism was discovered.

'Imodium' (ingredient name loperamide)
‘Imodium’ (ingredient name loperamide)

‘Autophagy’ is one of the self-purification programs of cells, and it refers to the action of making cells stronger by removing weak or non-functioning substances by themselves. As an essential mechanism for overcoming various stresses in the body and regulating the homeostasis of living organisms, cells decompose and recycle their own waste products, degenerative proteins, and functional organelles to become healthier cells.

Even in the case of cancer cells, autophagy inhibits the occurrence of cancer at the beginning, but it is known that once the cancer progresses, it rather promotes the growth of cancer. However, when some specific cancer cells are under stress, autophagy occurs excessively and the cells themselves die, and glioblastoma is a typical case.


It is a cancer that occurs in glial cells that make up most of the brain and spinal cord, and accounts for about 12% to 15% of all brain tumors. The growth rate is very fast, and even once treated, the recurrence rate is high. Among the most malignant brain tumors, the 5-year survival rate is less than 2%, and most of them die between 10 and 15 months after diagnosis.

After administering imodium to mice with glioblastoma, the research team observed intracellular changes through an electron microscope.

As a result of observation, more’ATF4′ (active transcription factor 4) was produced in the cells. Active transcription recognition is a protein that increases the transcription of a gene or set of genes.’ATF4′ promotes the autophagy process in glioblastoma.

Sjoerd van Wijk, Professor of Pediatric Cancer Institute, Goethe Frankfurt University
Sjoerd van Wijk, Professor of Pediatric Cancer Institute, Goethe Frankfurt University

Over time, the endoplasmic reticulum was destroyed by excessive autophagy, which soon led to the death of the cells themselves. There was no effect on other normal cells.

“Through this observation, it was confirmed that in addition to ATF4, RETREG1 and FAM134B, which are imodium-induced cell body receptors, mediate apoptosis, and a substance called’TEX264′ mainly promotes apoptosis.” It is also a great achievement to find out the existence of other substances that promote

“Glioblastoma is a very aggressive and fatal cancer in children and adults, and a new treatment has been urgently required because the response to chemotherapy is poor,” said Sjoerd van Wijk, a professor at the University of Frankfurt, Germany, who led the study. “Imodium is already widely used as a diarrhea drug, so the results of this study are more positive in that there is no need to worry about side effects to the human body. Other neurological diseases such as dementia also show a mechanism by which autophagy leads to cell death. The possibility of application to these diseases is also great.”

“The challenge remaining is how to get imodiium to cross the blood-brain barrier and get it into the glioblastoma cells,” said Professor Szoard. We are currently thinking about how to use nano technology,” he said.

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