[단독] The hidden tragedy of nursing hospitals… more non-confirmed people died

  On the afternoon of the 29th, medical staff are working on quarantine at the Smile Medical Center in Guro-gu, Seoul.  To date, 190 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) at Guro-gu Nursing Hospital.  News 1

On the afternoon of the 29th, medical staff are working on quarantine at the Smile Medical Center in Guro-gu, Seoul. To date, 190 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) at Guro-gu Nursing Hospital. News 1

With the spread of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in nursing hospitals, the number of deaths from non-confirmed as well as confirmed patients is increasing. As limitations in the treatment and caregiver for Corona 19 patients are revealed, damage is being done to non-confirmed patients.
It has been confirmed that 10 non-corona patients have died in the past two weeks at the Smile Medical Center in Guro-gu, Seoul. On the 30th, a medical staff at the hospital made the announcement on the phone call of the JoongAng Ilbo. On the 15th, the health authorities took measures to quarantine the same group (cohort) when the first confirmed cases came out at the hospital. This is a measure to prevent the spread of infection by completely controlling access. However, the number of confirmed patients who started with 3 on the first day blew like a snowball, reaching 190 as of 0 o’clock on the 30th, and 7 people died (Guro-gu count). Of these, six died in the hospital, and one was transferred to another and died.
The first death of a non-corona patient came out on the 23rd. Then, the number of deaths surged from the 26th to the 27th, and increased to 10 by the 30th. Most of them are people with underlying diseases in their 70s to 90s. He suffered from diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, and quadriplegia, or died while undergoing kidney dialysis treatment. At this hospital, it was reported that there were usually no deaths or only one to two people died within two weeks before cohort isolation. The collapse of the medical system caused’excessive death’.
As of the 30th, the hospital has 51 confirmed cases and 90 non-confirmed patients. The stress of non-confirmed patients is not the only one. Lee said, “General patients are also tested for Corona 19 every two days, and they do not receive proper care.” “Patients with cognitive ability don’t eat, saying they are sorry for the medical staff who receive urine and urine. The loss of condition in many ways dies. It seems to have an effect on,” he said.
This hospital originally had 13 doctors, but now it has reduced to 10. The number of nurses is also reduced to a third, so they cannot work shifts. Many carers were also confirmed, and some were self-isolated and escaped from the hospital. Health authorities only remove confirmed patients and move them elsewhere. On the 29th, the health authorities selected 12 people because they would move non-confirmed patients who meet conditions such as having no confirmed patients or having no fever to another hospital. However, it is said that it was impossible to find a place to go.
Among the confirmed patients in this hospital, even those who were diagnosed with a cure after moving to another location became ambiguous. Since the health authorities have no symptoms, even if they try to send it home, it is often difficult for the family to take care of it, so it is not a good place to go. That’s why this hospital has to take it again. Hospital medical staff said, “There are few caregivers left, but I don’t know what to do.”
The Korean Medical Association declared a medical crisis emergency on the 23rd, claiming that the mortality rate rose 6% this year as medical resources were focused on treating patients with Corona 19. About 20,000 people die in excess. This analysis is based on the’world through data’ of Oxford University in the UK. In addition, when Professor Hong Yoon-cheol of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Seoul National University College of Medicine analyzed the mortality rate in excess of Corona 19 from January to March this year, reflecting the change in the mortality rate of the National Statistical Office from 2010 to 2020, it was estimated that there were 187 non-corona 19 deaths in March in Daegu.
Chairman of the Korean Medical Association, Choi Sang-jip, said, “Patients admitted to nursing hospitals can get worse. Even if only pneumonia occurs, they usually go to acute patient treatment hospitals to treat them. But if the cohort is quarantined, this will not work. There will be steadily excess deaths in the future. “He said.
Welfare reporter Shin Seong-shik, reporter Kim Hyun-ye [email protected]
