[단독] The daughter of the city council also bought the land before the announcement… “No information”

However, as a result of our interviews, it was confirmed that not only LH employees but also the daughter of Siheung city councilors bought land in the area and built a two-story house there. The city council clarified that the development information was not known in advance.

Reporter Jeon Hyeong-woo covered it alone.


It is a two-story building in Gwarim-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do.

In September 2018, a woman in her late 20s bought 111 square meters of land for 100 million won.

It was two weeks before the announcement of the 3rd new city plan.

It was a narrow, triangular land next to the waste treatment plant, so it remained empty. After 7 months of purchase, the woman changed its use from forest to land and built a building.

[시흥시 과림동 공인중개사 : (건물이 있으면) 이주단지 택지 조성하는데 상가주택부지 분양받을 수 있는 우선권을 줘요. 피(분양권 웃돈)가 보통 3억 원, 4억 원 하죠. 비싼 건 5억 원, 10억 원도 하고.]

With the Gwangmyeong Siheung area selected as the sixth third new city last month, this woman is eligible to receive the right to sell a shopping mall.

The woman’s mother is Siheung City Councilman A of the Democratic Party.

Member A is a member of the city council’s committee on urban development and housing supply from the time the land was purchased to the present, raising controversy over conflicts of interest.

Congressman A said that the site was introduced through a real estate he knew and that his daughter had been invited to purchase it.

However, he explained that he only lent 5 million won to his daughter to buy the land, and that the remaining amount was raised with money and loans that the daughter had raised by himself.

[A 씨/시흥시의원 : 2층에 지금 딸이 왔다갔다하고 살고 있는데 거의 원룸식으로 조그맣게 뽑은 거거든요. 저희가 나중에 노후라도 가서 살 수 있도록.]

In addition, there was a vague expectation that Guarim-dong would be included in the 3rd new town someday, but he explained that it was not purchased in advance after obtaining information.

Although the government is planning a thorough investigation of employees such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, local governments, and LH, local council politicians were not included in the survey.

(Video coverage: Kang Dong-cheol, video editing: Park player)

▶ There were more employees of’Land Speculation’… “The 3rd New Town Total Survey”

▶ Only the dried-up trees at the site… Lack of permits and loans
